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  1. V

    Help pls.....

    I use this code to close my event but its not teleport player to spawn and idk if check for players on a list is ok. and also it doesn't remove full event folder only folders is still in %player%'s event-1 is data and region idk why is that happening other files from folder is removed just fine...
  2. E

    Making Corpses

    Category: Armorstands, Beds, Citizens, Npc Suggested name: Corpses What I want: A remake of the corpses plugin in Skript. (Spawns an NPC when the player dies, so it looks like they died and they're on the floor) Also if the player dies in mid...
  3. Tailzinator

    Help Plz :/ - SkqMaths Download Link?

    I am working on my private server and i wanna be able to make player stats and such calculated with Variables... SkqMaths is the perfect Skquery addon i could use for that... But i can not find the download link ;'( Somebody able to help? Was the Skqaddon renamed, location moved? Or is it...
  4. Tailzinator

    Help Please! :/ - Download Link SkqMaths??

    I really need the skqmaths Plugin i wanna release my server in a few days and i wanna be able to start working on Player Stats. Skqmaths is the perfect addon for me to use for my Player Stats Plugin... But i can not seem to find it anywhere! Is it renamed? Was the file location moved? Can i get...
  5. M

    Draw image on map

    Skript Version: 2.2 Skript Author:Njol Minecraft Version:1.8,1.9 etc (viaversion) --- Full Code: command /draw: trigger: df "plugins/Maps/%player%.png" set {link} to "Drawlink (not gonna tell ya)" download file from "%{link}%" to file "plugins/Maps/%player%.png"...
  6. Sam1370

    Solved Skript says unknown command

    So I try to make a command, right? And then I do! And then Skript says that it's an unknown command at the same time while returning how you do it. This is what it says: 20.06 11:40:48 [Server] INFO Correct usage: /trs30minutes <player> 20.06 11:40:48 [Server] INFO Unknown command. Type "/help"...
  7. Pikachu

    API SexyShapes 1.0

    SexyShapes SexyShapes is essentially a remake of skqGeometry using it's algorithms (shortened a bit) and with a working cube generator. You can do lots of cool things with SexyShapes because unlike skqGeometry, SexyShapes returns locations instead of just limiting you to making particles. With...
  8. SoMuchWessel

    Skript/Skquery help

    Hey guys, i wrote a skript for a gui menu with flansmod (it explains the id's): command /choosegunsp: trigger: set {executor.player} to player wait 1 tick open chest with 1 row named "&c&l-Primary-" to player format slot 0 of player with red stained glass...
  9. Adrihun

    Solved How do you make new lines in "kick player due to" effect?

    Title says it all
  10. Adrihun

    Solved skQuery spam error

    When I kick a player with kick player due to "test" skQquery gives me a big error message in console (once). Also, when players get kicked for using world downloader, the same thing happens (i'm using AntiWDL plugin from spigot) Here is the error Message: [17:07:25 ERROR]: Could not pass...
  11. Adrihun

    Solved Anti World Downloader plugin huge error in console with SkQuery!

    I have found this great plugin online called Anti WDL, what it does is it blocks players from using World Downloader Mods on the server. When someone gets kicked for using WDL, the console gets a big error message. Please help me fix this. I don't know why it does this but it says Something...
  12. Adrihun

    Is it possible to cancel sound events?

    I have made a simple sound script yesterday, what it does is if the player has diamond armor on, and they get hit with an iron sword, 'mob.blaze.hit' sound plays for the attacker. Is there a way to cancel the player hit sound when this 'mob.blaze.hit' sound plays? bump? Is there an addon that...
  13. BrettPlayMC

    Solved SkQuery

    There is no script I need help with in this post but actually my server as a whole so I will not be using the format. Please understand. So as of today when I went to turn on my server, I started it up and it started up funny. I then tried to join and it said logging in for 15 seconds then...
  14. Adrihun

    Anti Swear to message?

    Hey, thanks for clicking on my post. Its me aggain "_" How do i add Anti Swear, Anti Spam (1 sec) to my script? command /pm [<offline player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "Wrong usage." if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is not set...
  15. T

    Problem with Skript, SkQuery and SkRayFall

    Hi! I have problem, when I download Skript, SkQuery or SkRayFall newest versions to my server they are not working. Skript will not generate folder where I can put scripts and when i do /plugins, there are not those plugins. Few days ago they worked perfectly, but it...
  16. LimeGlass

    Addon SkQuery [1.13-1.21+] 4.2.0

    Latest 4.1.6+ version only works with Skript 2.6.1+ and was compiled in Java 17 (MC 1.13+). If you're running 1.9-1.12 use SkQuery version 4.1.4. If you're running 1.13+ and have Java 17 use this version, if you are still using anything between Java 11 and Java 16 use version 4.1.5 or upgrade to...