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  • Yo, what is litty dawg. I connected my 2 spigot servers with Skungee 2.0.0 Beta5 to my proxy with the same version of skungee, and default configs, one server boots up fine and connects to the proxy port, but the second one says "java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind" even tho its the same port as stated in the proxy config.
    Questions about Skungee.

    1. What can I put into the "scripts" folder on the proxy server?
    2. Conditions like "if server '' is online" does not work for me.
    3. Can the other paper server read the script from my lobby server?
    I installed Skungee on Velocity, and 2 Paper servers. And all bound to the same port.
    Hello LimeGlass, is it possible to use the score numbers (red numbers) to display values. or just to remove them (Skore)
    Thanks in advance.
    Hello LimeGlass,
    I was wondering if you could investigate into Version 2.0.3 of Skellett breaking loop syntaxes in all scripts, and also breaking everything else in the same script.
    Version 2.0.2 doesn't show the same behaviour, so it has to have something to do with the changes made in 2.0.3
    Thank you for your time and all your skript addons!
    hi. i have a question. I have all the plugins and everything is up to date. But i get crazy with disguise of entities. I want to set a little skript that makes 1% of all zombies to giants, but with ai. So i want to set the zombies with a disguise of a giant. So they have the ai. But i always got errors. Can you please send me the skript code for that? Would be very nice.
    Hey, can you please help me with usage of your FunkySK? Im pretty bad in overall programming and scripting and Id appreciate any help, thanks in regards of any answer
    i have a problem with Skript.
    I want to store the result of a mysql query in an object:
    set {userdata::%uuid of player%::*} to objects from result of query "SELECT...."
    But i got the following error:
    {userdata::%uuid of player%::*} can't be set to objects from result of query.... because the latter is not an object.
    Do you know why this happen? I thought the ::* at the end of an variable sets it to an object?!
    At your addon Skungee I have an Error:
    If I create a network variable and want to output it, then only the following <none> comes.
    My script:
    command /2:
    set network variable {q} to "Hallo"
    command /3:
    send "%{q}%"

    Thanks for Help
    Jan Treinzen
    command /2:
    set {q} to "Hallo"

    command /3:
    send "%{q}%"
    Can you help me? i dont understand syntaxes. and i want to create a kick command to kick from my lobby server a player on all servers.
    How do i make a item generator spawn on the location I set? Basically like a bedwars dropper and make it able to be upgradable by the player through a gui from money. This money should be given by /sell as they get the items from the floor.

    Please I need help and it would be good for me to learn from what works :emoji_slight_smile: Thank you
    Hi @LimeGlass, I have a question, How can i get ALL Skript Variables in a list or hashmap or somthing in java?
    There is a static class called Variables that has all methods you need for dealing with variables.
    Thank you, I found it! Thanks again :emoji_slight_smile:
    Dear @LimeGlass, i am making a server right now and i want to know how to make it so it takes longer to break a block.
    You can't, you can only simulate it, cancel event and add 1 to a counter until it reaches like 3 then don't cancel event, you can use client side block break effect from SkQuery to make it look like its slowly breaking.
    you could maybe make it when the certain block is mined it cancels the even after broke and waits a certain time then drops the item -_0.0_- just a thought.
    So i have a problem : how can i check if a faction is enemy to another faction ? Cuz i cant make so people who are enemy to the faction of a guy sees his faction in red :emoji_frowning:

    Pliz answer im stuck here :emoji_frowning:
    Ok so i guess it is possible to have a skript per server, but not plugins per server am i right about that? plz answer thx :---)
    There are templates, they can have whatever plugins in it, when you start a server you tell it the template to use, and it copies the template, you can have as many templates as your system's storage can handle.
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