Hey, thanks for clicking on my post.
Its me aggain "_"
How do i add Anti Swear, Anti Spam (1 sec) to my script?
Also i have another script that will say "you have to move to chat" this is because someone threatend me saying i will spambot you.
I TRIED adding these scripts to my message script but it gave me some errors.
please if you know script, help me out and fix my stupid script xD
Its me aggain "_"
How do i add Anti Swear, Anti Spam (1 sec) to my script?
command /pm [<offline player>] [<text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
send "Wrong usage."
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 2 is not set:
send "Wrong usage."
if arg 1 is online:
if arg 2 is set:
send "&4To &e%arg 1% &f%arg 2%"
send "&4From &e%player% &f%arg 2%" to arg 1
play "ORB_PICKUP" to arg-1 at volume 2
send "&c Sorry but &6%arg-1%&7 is currently &6Offline."
Also i have another script that will say "you have to move to chat" this is because someone threatend me saying i will spambot you.
on join:
set {antiddos::%player%} to player's location
on chat:
if {antiddos::%player%} is set:
if {antiddos::%player%} is player's location:
cancel event
message "&cYou have to move a little more before you can chat."
delete {antiddos::*}
on script unload:
delete {antiddos::*}
I TRIED adding these scripts to my message script but it gave me some errors.
please if you know script, help me out and fix my stupid script xD