Solved Skript says unknown command

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Jun 11, 2017
So I try to make a command, right? And then I do! And then Skript says that it's an unknown command at the same time while returning how you do it.
This is what it says:
20.06 11:40:48 [Server] INFO Correct usage: /trs30minutes <player>
20.06 11:40:48 [Server] INFO Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
Doesn't make any sense.
I have the latest skript version (bensku) and addons Skellett, SkQuery-Lime, and TuSKe.
Here's my code.
command /trsvote <player>:
        player has permission "":
            if arg 1 has permission "thatrandomserver.mvp":
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&aThank you for voting for the server, &bMVP! &aHere are your rewards!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                increase {diamonds.%arg 1%} by 20
                message "&b+ 20 Diamonds!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&9+ 2 &aFive Star &eMystery Boxes!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 2 5"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&3+ 550 SkyWars coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "sw coins Add %arg 1% 550"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&e+ 550 HideAndSeek coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "has coins Add %arg 1% 550"
            if arg 1 has permission "":
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&aThank you for voting for the server, VIP! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                increase {diamonds.%arg 1%} by 10
                message "&b+ 10 Diamonds!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&9+ 1 &aFive Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 5"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&3+ 400 SkyWars coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "sw coins Add %arg 1% 400"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&e+ 400 HideAndSeek coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "has coins Add %arg 1% 400"
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&aThank you for voting for the server! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                increase {diamonds.%arg 1%} by 5
                message "&b+ 5 Diamonds!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&9+ 1 &aThree Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 3"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&3+ 200 SkyWars coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "sw coins Add %arg 1% 200"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&e+ 200 HideAndSeek coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "has coins Add %arg 1% 200"
command /trsdailylogin <player>:
        player has permission "thatrandomserver.dailylogin":
            if arg 1 has permission "thatrandomserver.mvp":
                message "&aYou logged in for the first time today, &bMVP! &aHere are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 2 &aFive Star &eMystery Boxes!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 2 5"
            if arg 1 has permission "":
                message "&aYou logged in for the first time today, VIP! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 1 &aFive Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 5"
                message "&aYou logged in for the first time today! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 1 &aThree Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 3"
command /trs30minutes <player>:
        player has permission "thatrandomserver.30minutes":
            if arg 1 has permission "thatrandomserver.mvp":
                message "&aYou have played on the server for 30 minutes, &bMVP! &aHere are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 20 Mystery Dust!" to arg 1
                execute console command "mysterydust add %arg 1% 20"
            if arg 1 has permission "":
                message "&aYou have played on the server for 30 minutes, VIP! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 10 Mystery Dust!" to arg 1
                execute console command "mysterydust add %arg 1% 10"
                message "&aYou have played on the server for 30 minutes! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 5 Mystery Dust!" to arg 1
                execute console command "mysterydust add %arg 1% 5"
Is there anything wrong with it?
EDIT: It works when executed from the player, but not from the console D:
Last edited:
command /trsvote [<player>]:
        sender has permission "":
            if arg 1 has permission "thatrandomserver.mvp":
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&aThank you for voting for the server, &bMVP! &aHere are your rewards!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                increase {diamonds.%arg 1%} by 20
                message "&b+ 20 Diamonds!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&9+ 2 &aFive Star &eMystery Boxes!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 2 5"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&3+ 550 SkyWars coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "sw coins Add %arg 1% 550"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&e+ 550 HideAndSeek coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "has coins Add %arg 1% 550"
            else if arg 1 has permission "":
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&aThank you for voting for the server, VIP! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                increase {diamonds.%arg 1%} by 10
                message "&b+ 10 Diamonds!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&9+ 1 &aFive Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 5"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&3+ 400 SkyWars coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "sw coins Add %arg 1% 400"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&e+ 400 HideAndSeek coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "has coins Add %arg 1% 400"
            else if player doesn't have permission "thatrandomserver.mvp" or "":
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&aThank you for voting for the server! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                increase {diamonds.%arg 1%} by 5
                message "&b+ 5 Diamonds!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&9+ 1 &aThree Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 3"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&3+ 200 SkyWars coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "sw coins Add %arg 1% 200"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&e+ 200 HideAndSeek coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "has coins Add %arg 1% 200"
command /trsdailylogin [<player>]:
        sender has permission "thatrandomserver.dailylogin":
            if arg 1 has permission "thatrandomserver.mvp":
                message "&aYou logged in for the first time today, &bMVP! &aHere are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 2 &aFive Star &eMystery Boxes!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 2 5"
            else if arg 1 has permission "":
                message "&aYou logged in for the first time today, VIP! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 1 &aFive Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 5"
            else if arg 1 doesn't have permission "thatrandomserver.mvp" or "":
                message "&aYou logged in for the first time today! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 1 &aThree Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 3"
command /trs30minutes [<player>]:
        sender has permission "thatrandomserver.30minutes":
            if arg 1 has permission "thatrandomserver.mvp":
                message "&aYou have played on the server for 30 minutes, &bMVP! &aHere are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 20 Mystery Dust!" to arg 1
                execute console command "mysterydust add %arg 1% 20"
            else if arg 1 has permission "":
                message "&aYou have played on the server for 30 minutes, VIP! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 10 Mystery Dust!" to arg 1
                execute console command "mysterydust add %arg 1% 10"
            else if arg 1 doesn't have permission "thatrandomserver.mvp" or "":
                message "&aYou have played on the server for 30 minutes! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 5 Mystery Dust!" to arg 1
                execute console command "mysterydust add %arg 1% 5"

Try using the above ^
Last edited by a moderator:
command /trsvote <player>:
        sender has permission "":
            if arg 1 has permission "thatrandomserver.mvp":
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&aThank you for voting for the server, &bMVP! &aHere are your rewards!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                increase {diamonds.%arg 1%} by 20
                message "&b+ 20 Diamonds!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&9+ 2 &aFive Star &eMystery Boxes!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 2 5"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&3+ 550 SkyWars coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "sw coins Add %arg 1% 550"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&e+ 550 HideAndSeek coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "has coins Add %arg 1% 550"
            else if arg 1 has permission "":
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&aThank you for voting for the server, VIP! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                increase {diamonds.%arg 1%} by 10
                message "&b+ 10 Diamonds!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&9+ 1 &aFive Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 5"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&3+ 400 SkyWars coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "sw coins Add %arg 1% 400"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&e+ 400 HideAndSeek coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "has coins Add %arg 1% 400"
            else if player doesn't have permission "thatrandomserver.mvp" or "":
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HAT" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&aThank you for voting for the server! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                increase {diamonds.%arg 1%} by 5
                message "&b+ 5 Diamonds!" to arg 1
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&9+ 1 &aThree Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 3"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&3+ 200 SkyWars coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "sw coins Add %arg 1% 200"
                wait 0.5 seconds
                play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" to arg 1 with volume 1 and pitch 2
                message "&e+ 200 HideAndSeek coins!" to arg 1
                execute console command "has coins Add %arg 1% 200"
command /trsdailylogin <player>:
        sender has permission "thatrandomserver.dailylogin":
            if arg 1 has permission "thatrandomserver.mvp":
                message "&aYou logged in for the first time today, &bMVP! &aHere are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 2 &aFive Star &eMystery Boxes!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 2 5"
            else if arg 1 has permission "":
                message "&aYou logged in for the first time today, VIP! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 1 &aFive Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 5"
            else if arg 1 doesn't have permission "thatrandomserver.mvp" or "":
                message "&aYou logged in for the first time today! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 1 &aThree Star &eMystery Box!" to arg 1
                execute console command "gmysteryboxes give %arg 1% 1 3"
command /trs30minutes <player>:
        sender has permission "thatrandomserver.30minutes":
            if arg 1 has permission "thatrandomserver.mvp":
                message "&aYou have played on the server for 30 minutes, &bMVP! &aHere are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 20 Mystery Dust!" to arg 1
                execute console command "mysterydust add %arg 1% 20"
            else if arg 1 has permission "":
                message "&aYou have played on the server for 30 minutes, VIP! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 10 Mystery Dust!" to arg 1
                execute console command "mysterydust add %arg 1% 10"
            else if arg 1 doesn't have permission "thatrandomserver.mvp" or "":
                message "&aYou have played on the server for 30 minutes! Here are your rewards!" to arg 1
                message "&9+ 5 Mystery Dust!" to arg 1
                execute console command "mysterydust add %arg 1% 5"
Thanks :emoji_grinning: That worked.
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