SkQuery [1.13-1.21+]

Addon SkQuery [1.13-1.21+] 4.3.0

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.13
  2. 1.14
  3. 1.15
  4. 1.16
  5. 1.17
  6. 1.18
  7. 1.19
  8. 1.20
  9. 1.21
Latest 4.1.6+ version only works with Skript 2.6.1+ and was compiled in Java 17 (MC 1.13+). If you're running 1.9-1.12 use SkQuery version 4.1.4. If you're running 1.13+ and have Java 17 use this version, if you are still using anything between Java 11 and Java 16 use version 4.1.5 or upgrade to Java 17. Click "Version History" tab to view older versions.

1.6-1.8 versions of SkQuery can be found here (use 3.21.4)

This build is based off Gatt's SkQuey edit in which he removed:
  • JSON messages
  • Scoreboard stuff
  • Particles
  • Change skin effect
  • Dead bossbar stuff
  • Removed all packet stuff
  • A lot of bug fixes
  • Made to work in most versions above 1.12
  • Added tempo option to midi syntax
    play midi %string% to %players% [at [tempo] %-number%]
  • Added play midi from web link syntax
    play midi from [(web[site]|link)] %string% to %players% [at [tempo] %-number%]
  • Added stop for midi files
    stop midi [id] %string%
  • Added file existence condition file
    [exist[(s|ance)] [at]] %string% or file %string% exists
  • Removed some files that were not used
  • Removed lores, Skript 2.3+ has lores now.
  • Fixed Yaml
  • Fixed getOnlinePlayers() crash
  • Fixed glowing itemtype
  • Fixed protocolib crash error
  • Fixed the permission manager
  • Fixed a bunch of null pointers
  • Fixed Time Relative not being able to be reset
  • Fixed fireworks
  • Fixed pop firework effect but removed clientside ability. New syntax:
    (detonate|pop) %fireworkeffects% at %locations%
  • Added the ability to do multiple lamba evaluates. New syntax:
    do [%-number% time[s]] %lambda%

  • Added former movement location. Uses the getFrom() in the on any movement that never existed.
    ([the] (past|former) move[ment] [location]
  • Added settable relative option to the time relative syntax.
    (relative|player) time of %player% [with relative %-boolean%]
    %player%'s (relative|player) time [with relative %-boolean%]
  • Fixed the where filter expression not working. (Throws some errors if the predicate contains an unknown expression/value. Looking into fixing that.)
  • Changed the any movement syntax from [on] any movement to [on] any move[ment]
  • Removed broken map support.
  • Removed the annoying startup message saying this is an unoffical build from Gatt's since it's not really needed.
  • Changed this syntax
    blocks within %location% (to|and) %location%
  • Added bStats metrics
  • Removed ProtocolLib as a dependency. Meaning these broken syntax don't exist anymore:
make %players% see %blocks% as %itemtype% permanently
restore updates to %blocks% for %offlineplayers%
restore all updates

But these syntax still work:

make %players% see %block% as %itemtype%
make %players% see lines of %block% as %string%, %string%, %string%[ and], %string%

I am not the offical creator of this addon. This addon was made by w00tmaster the developer of SkQuery. All credit goes towards him. This is just a fork I made that allows SkQuery to work for versions 1.13+

Please don't demand support for this build.

First release
Last update
4.73 star(s) 11 ratings

More resources from LimeGlass

Latest updates

  1. 4.3.0

    Renamed all the packages to com.skquery.* Updated to Java 21. Java 21 is now required to run...
  2. SkQuery for Skript 2.10.0

    Updated to Skript 2.10.0. Older versions still supported. Removed entities within chunks. Been...
  3. Bug fixes

    - Changed how the health scale works, to not be doubling the value anymore. (Closes...

Latest reviews

I've used this addon for so long to the point where I've thought that half of these syntaxes and expressions were in default skript :p Amazing addon.
Please do a 1.8 support.
On bukkit 1.8 version doesn't work and I really need this :/
Use version 3.21.4 from the Bukkit link, not version 4.
Fantastic.Hope u could add Mysql Support some day.
Thanks! This is A Lot Of Feature Having Skript SkQuery Plugin! Thanks!
Great remake of SkQuery tho it would've been better if you just put all things It had, for example Json messages, Item names and I'm having problems with Items lore too. Mine is just a suggestion, not a bad criticism. It would be awesome if I could've just make a Script in SkQuery 1.8 and migrate it in this Fork without any Errors
1.8 SkQuery's can be found on Bukkit. This is for 1.9+

In vanilla Skript for 1.9+ you use `with lores "line1", "line2" and "line3"`
Thanks for your fork, with this I can switch to Skellett's mysql without any error from SkQuery!
Skript's oldest addon reborn by the almighty LimeGlass, what else can I say? :P rip destroyer
thank you guys for making those useful resources to us, appreciated
Thanks for the review :D
Wonderful build of SkQuery, works flawlessly! I am pleased :) ^_^
Tq for new SkQuery but why not work in 1.11.2 ? :/
This SkQuery build works in 1.11.2 can you send me error if you have any.