Category: Armorstands, Beds, Citizens, Npc
Suggested name: Corpses
What I want:
A remake of the corpses plugin in Skript.
(Spawns an NPC when the player dies, so it looks like they died and they're on the floor)
Also if the player dies in mid air, it could maybe fall onto the floor <- gravity (dont have to do this
Ideas for commands:
No commands
Ideas for permissions:
No permission
I'm sure a lot of people would love this script and download it
Suggested name: Corpses
What I want:
A remake of the corpses plugin in Skript.
(Spawns an NPC when the player dies, so it looks like they died and they're on the floor)
Also if the player dies in mid air, it could maybe fall onto the floor <- gravity (dont have to do this
Ideas for commands:
No commands
Ideas for permissions:
No permission

I'm sure a lot of people would love this script and download it