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Version: 1.0.5
  • Added more structure to the version of Bungeecord version expression:
[the] version of [the] bungee[[ ]cord]
[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] version
  • Added Bungeecord name expression, I don't see the usefulness of this but it's here:
#This returns the defined name of the bungeecord.
[the] name of [the] bungee[[ ]cord]
[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] name
  • Added disabled commands, this returns all the defined commands that are disabled in the configuration of Bungeecord:
[(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] disabled commands
bungee[[ ]cord]'s disabled commands
[(all [[of] the]|the)] disabled commands (on|of|from) [the] bungee[[ ]cord]
  • Added an expression that grabs the list of all plugins on the Bungeecord by name.
[(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord][[']s] plugins
  • Added expression to get the throttle of the Bungeecord:
[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] throttle [connection] [delay]
  • Added expression to get the timeout of the Bungeecord:
[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] time[ ]out [connection] [delay]
  • Added expression to get the online state of the Bungeecord:
[the] bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]] online mode
  • Added new configuration option for Spigot side Skungee that allows appropriate syntax which return as numbers to be parsed as Timespans.
  • Re-added all the Redis syntaxes
Note that these syntaxes are untested due to not having setup a Redis network nor having the time to compile or purchase RedisBungee.
If you run into any issues please let us know, but there shouldn't be any issues.
Skungee may only error if RedisBungee is not installed or installed incorrectly.
If the error contains a ClassNotFound or NoMethodFound exception related to RedisBungee, or the servers get halted due to RedisBungee not being found, you will not be receiving help.
There is no check to make sure RedisBungee is installed or not, because it should be known to the user that you need RedisBungee to use RedisBungee syntaxes,
and Skungee will work regardless if RedisBungee is installed or not, just the RedisBungee syntax won't return and probably error.
This hook utilizes version 0.3.8-SNAPSHOT of RedisBungee because that's the latest RedisBungee Maven repository we could find,
and the project seems to rarely get updated.
   #Returns all the RedisBungee servers
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] servers

   #Returns all the RedisBungee players
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] players
   #Returns all players on the defined RedisBungee proxies
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] players (on|of|from) [the] prox(ies|y) %strings%
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] players (on|of|from) [the] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] prox(ies|y) %strings%
   #Returns all the players from a defined RedisBungee server
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] players (on|of|from) [the] [server[s]] %strings%
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] players (on|of|from) [the] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [server[s]] %strings%
   #Returns the RedisBungee ID of the Bungeecord that is connected to this Skungee
   [th(e|is)] [bungee[[ ]cord[[']s]]] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] ID
   #Returns the RedisBungee names of the defined players.
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [user[ ]]name[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%
   %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [user[ ]]name[s]

   #Returns the last known login time of a RedisBungee player.
   #Returns -1 if the player is unknown or has never joined.
   #This can be a Timespan or a Number, define so in the config.yml of Spigot side Skungee.
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] last [known] login[s] [time[s]] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%
   %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] last [known] login[s] [time[s]]
   #Returns the proxy ID of the server that the defined RedisBungee player(s) are on.
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [player] [proxy] ID (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%
   %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [player] [proxy] ID
   #Returns the server names of the servers that the defined RedisBungee player(s) are on.
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] [(connected|current)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] server[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%
   %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] [(connected|current)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] server[s]
   #Returns the address(es) of the defined RedisBungee player(s).
   [(all [[of] the]|the)] [(connected|current)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] ip [address[es]] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%
   %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] [(connected|current)] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] ip [address[es]]

   #Execute a proxy command on a RedisBungee proxy
   (run|execute) redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ][cord]] [(proxy|console)] command[s] %strings% [(on|of|from) [the] [server[s]] %-strings%]
   make redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ][cord]] (run|execute) [(proxy|console)] command[s] %strings% [(on|of|from) [the] [server[s]] %-strings%]

   redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord] [(player|uuid)] %string/player% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) online [the] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord]
   [(player|uuid)] %string/player% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) online [the] redis[( |-)]bungee[[ ]cord]

  • Fixed a bug within all player expression that was caused when the syntax was used as the player left the Bungeecord network.
  • Fixed a bug where the SkungeePlayer transformer would make the UUID be default in cases where the name should be higher
  • Fixed the player execution command effect so that the command actually executes bungeecord commands now, rather than every spigot server. IMPORTANT due to this, you will need to delete your syntax.yml and let it regenerate with the new syntax so that old syntax don't override or stop this from working. This is only needed if you want this update to fix this issue. There is a new syntax to handle Commands which takes over the same syntax so you don't need to modify your scripts if that's the case. Just be sure to have saved the syntax.yml if you have modified syntax
  • Fixed some issues where the configuration of Skungee would do some weird things, it may still happen for some reason. This is mainly due to having a configuration open from Skungee, and then updating Skungee and restarting the server.
  • Potentially fixed the server online condition always returning the same Boolean for some users.
  • The config.yml will reset, so make sure you have saved your valuable configuration options.
  • You need to install this update on both the Spigot servers and Bungeecord server.
  • If you find any bugs, please notify a Skungee developer with all the information you can provide, errors, your code, the versions of the server and Skungee etc
  • Source code at: https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/Skungee
  • Skungee progress can be viewed at https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/Skungee/projects
  • Skungee bugs can be reported at https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/Skungee/issues
  • If you feel like donating to me for my free project you can do so by clicking the button below, much love.
  • Enjoy :emoji_grinning:

Version: 1.0.4c
  • Fixed a bug in the queue system.
  • Fixed a bug where some users with different configuration options would not be allowed to use the connect effect.
  • Some internal changes
  • Made some code improvements and performance boosts.
  • Skungee is recommended to be running on the latest 1.12-SNAPSHOT Bungeecord jar. Some features and syntax will not work otherwise, but the majority work on all.
  • The Bungeecord 1.12-SNAPSHOT is just the time it came out. It allows all versions to actually get passed through it. You could join a 1.12 Bungeecord with a 1.7 client and it will work fine. It's just the servers that need to handle multiple client versions. I suggest ProtocolSupport in that case with a 1.12 server. (ProtocolSupport allows for clients from 1.4.3-1.12.2+ to join)
  • The config.yml will reset, so make sure you have saved your valuable configuration options.
  • You need to install this update on both the Spigot servers and Bungeecord server.
  • If you find any bugs, please notify a Skungee developer with all the information you can provide, errors, your code, the versions of the server and Skungee etc
  • Source code at: https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/Skungee
  • If you feel like donating to me for my free project you can do so by clicking the button below, much love.
  • Enjoy :emoji_grinning:

Version: 1.0.4b
  • Fixed a bug where the queue system was not sending packets out of it's system.
  • The config.yml will reset, so make sure you have saved your valuable configuration options.
  • You need to install this update on both the Spigot servers and Bungeecord server.
  • If you find any bugs, please notify a Skungee developer with all the information you can provide, errors, your code, the versions of the server and Skungee etc
  • Source code at: https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/Skungee
  • If you feel like donating to me for my free project you can do so by clicking the button below, much love.
  • Enjoy :emoji_grinning:

Version: 1.0.4a​


  • Fixed a potential bug that removed servers if the check was returned incorrectly. This bug is mostly present on local host servers that shared same addresses.
  • The config.yml will reset, so make sure you have saved your valuable configuration options.
  • You need to install this update on both the Spigot servers and Bungeecord server.
  • If you find any bugs, please notify a Skungee developer with all the information you can provide, errors, your code, the versions of the server and Skungee etc
  • Source code at: https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/Skungee
  • If you feel like donating to me for my free project you can do so by clicking the button below, much love.
  • Enjoy :emoji_grinning:

Version: 1.0.4


  • Added Current Server of Script expression (Returns String):
    [name of] this [script[s]] [bungee[[ ]cord]] server
    [bungee[[ ]cord]] server [name] of this script
  • The server string of all syntax can now support IP's with ports so for example ","
    evaluate "broadcast ""&6Example""" on bungeecord servers ",,"
    set {_value} to motd of bungeecord server ""
  • Added chat mode of player (Returns chat mode type):
    [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] chat[ ](setting|mode)[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%
  • Added chat mode type:
        commands_only: commands only, commands
        hidden: hidden, disabled
        shown: shown, enabled
  • Added hand settings of player (Returns hand setting type):
    [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] hand[ ](setting|mode)[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%
  • Added hand setting type:
        right: right, right hand
        left: left, left hand
  • Added view distance of player (Returns number):
    [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] (render|view) distance[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%
  • Added reconnected of player (Returns server name in String):
    This is the server that the player reconnects to on their next login.
    [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] reconnect[ed] server[s] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%
  • Added a queue system to make sure every single packet gets sent. This can cause some delay within the Skript calling code, but very minor. Packets that are expressions will not be put into the queued system as it depends on a returned value right away. So making a queue system for those gets more complex. I might do something about that soon. Until then expressions will take priority over effects. Also all effects are sent asynchronous to ease performance on the servers.
  • Added a sync option to the Queue meaning that it will determine that time that expression packets were sent compared to effect packets and determine an appropriate time to evaluate and send those packets.
  • Added functionality to the English enums, which can be edited in the english.lang attached inside the main jar.
  • Added the ability to disable spammable packets (Packets that are common to spam). This option is on Bungeecord and Spigot, developers of Skungee may notify you to disable this option when reporting errors.
  • Added event value to get servers in the Skungee events:
    [(all [[of] the]|the)] event (skungee|bungee[[ ]cord]) server[s]
  • Added debug messages to the event values.
  • Added debug option to view the players of a Bungee Packet.
  • Added condition to check if a player has chat colours enable:
    [bungee[[ ]cord]] [(player|uuid)] %string/player% (1¦(has|do[es])|2¦(has|do[es])(n't| not)) (have|got) chat colo[u]r[s] [(enabled|on)]
  • Probably added some bugs, report those pests if you find any.
  • Fixed a bug where the evaluate effect would always send the evaluate to all servers if the server was a certain value, also applied when the server string was null.
  • Fixed a bug with handling the hashed password file.
  • Fixed a critical bug that didn't communicate to the Skungee (Spigot) to reset and re-initialize when it was needed.
  • Fixed up events internally. They're much cleaner internally now, but are still in BETA. Use with caution.
  • Fixed duplicated servers in the server tracker. Sometimes servers stayed in the tracker, which caused duplicated packets at times.
  • Optimized for major networks where packets can be sent hundreds at a time.
  • Fixed some syntax overriding other Skungee syntax.
  • Fixed the event values not working properly.
  • Fixed some null pointers.
  • The config.yml will reset, so make sure you have saved your valuable configuration options. There was a new option this update.
  • You need to install this update on both the Spigot and Bungeecord server.
  • If you find any bugs, please notify a Skungee developer with all the information you can provide, errors, your code, the versions of the server and Skungee etc
  • Source code at: https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/Skungee
  • If you feel like donating to me for my free project you can do so by clicking the button below, much love.
  • Enjoy :emoji_grinning:

Version: 1.0.3d

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Optimized and cleaned some coding
  • Fixed a bug that caused spams between servers for unknown reasons. I thought I released this last update, guess I forgot.
  • Added back GlobalScripts, many of you have been asking, and here it's back yay!
  • IMPORTANT GlobalScripts only work in dev28 of Bensku's edit and higher (Use latest dev32d at this time of posting)! Disable them if you're not using Bensku's edit or else things may potentially error. Untested.
  • The config.yml will reset, so make sure you have saved your valuable configuration options. There was a new option this update.
  • You need to install this update on both the Spigot and Bungeecord server.
  • If you find any bugs, please notify a Skungee developer with all the information you can provide, errors, your code, the versions of the server and Skungee etc
  • This may potentially be the last bug fix update. Next updates are new dope stuff. o/
  • Enjoy :emoji_grinning:
Hot fix on the newest build.

Version: 1.0.3b

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Optimized coding
  • Fixed a bug that caused some users servers to not connect to Bungeecord sometimes.
  • Added an event option for Bungeecord to disable the experimental events that sometimes caused issues for some.
  • The config.yml will reset, so make sure you have saved your valuable configuration options. There was a new option this update.
  • Global scripts are still disabled.
  • You need to install this update on both the Spigot and Bungeecord server.
  • If you find any bugs, please notify a Skungee developer with all the information you can provide, errors, your code, the versions of the server and Skungee etc
  • Slowly Skungee is becoming more and more stable. For the majority this build is one of the most stable, but it seems that a rare amount of users are still getting some random errors. Aside from the users that improperly setup Skungee. When I feel Skungee is more stable and less buggy, I will start to release new content and features for Skungee. Please keep up the bug reports, Thanks.
  • Enjoy :emoji_grinning:

Version: 1.0.3

  • Fixed a critical bug with the SkungeePacket's sending incorrect types causing the Spigot side servers to crash.
  • Fixed simple expressions not returning.
  • Fixed some minor bugs on the Bungeecord side Skungee.
  • Added a timeout feature for Skungee returnable expressions.
  • Made every syntax except expressions run asynchronously.
  • The config.yml will reset, so make sure you have saved your valuable configuration options.
  • Events and Global scripts are still disabled.
  • You need to install this update on both the Spigot and Bungeecord server.
  • If you find any bugs, please notify a Skungee developer with all the information you can provide, errors, your code, the versions of the server and Skungee etc
  • Enjoy :emoji_grinning:

Version: 1.0.2

  • Fixed a bug with network variables not being able to be deleted or reset.
  • Fixed a bug with network variables parsing at wrong times, mainly a user error. I have made it so you can't modify incorrect values at different times to remove this error from happening, if you're doing something wrong the console will tell you how to use it.
  • Fixed a bug with a getSingle() method used in my framework not working as provided causing harmless errors.
  • Fixed a bug where the variable writer would be null in some cases, the system now resets itself if that ever happens.
  • Fixed some small minor issues.
  • The config.yml will reset, so make sure you have saved your valuable configuration options.
  • Events and Global scripts are still disabled.
  • You need to install this update on both the Spigot and Bungeecord server.
  • If you find any bugs, please notify a Skungee developer with all the information you can provide, errors, your code, the versions of the server and Skungee etc
  • Enjoy :emoji_grinning: