
  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. raupauk

    Error Messages after installing TuSKe

    Greetings! So I wanted to create a Team Changer GUI, and for that I need TuSKe (I guess). But after installing, I always get error messages like this, and they come without stopping and I have no idea why. Does anyone else knows something?: [13:43:07 ERROR] [Minecraft] #!#! at...
  2. _tud

    Addon skript-scoreboards v1.0.2

    skript-scoreboards skript-scoreboards is an addon that allows you to create and manage packet-based scoreboards easily. Features - Packet-based scoreboards - Per player scoreboards - Scoreboards with shared viewers - No character limit on lines - Support for custom line scores (Minecraft...
  3. CodingCat321

    Addon SkProxy 2.4

    SkProxy - Enhance Your Skript with Proxy Management Features! Overview: SkProxy is a powerful Skript addon designed to extend the capabilities of Skript by providing seamless integration with BungeeCord and Velocity proxy networks. This addon allows server administrators to manage and interact...
  4. Equip

    Addon SkEssentials v1.1.0

    About SkEssentials SkEssentials was made to simply make your life easier for using features from SkEssentials in Skript instead of having to do it with Skript-reflect. You can put people in vanish, afk people, and more coming soon. Issues/Suggestions Found an issue with SkEssentials or want to...
  5. T

    how to make a sphere of particles around the player with skbee?

    i have nothing to write here just read the title
  6. Asleeppp

    Addon skript-itemsadder 1.61.1

    skript-itemsadder, an addon to replace the existing, but lackluster Skript API ItemsAdder has. As if it wasn't obvious enough already, this addon requires ItemsAdder to function. skript-itemsadder more then septuples the amount of features then that Skript API! Want to detect when someone...
  7. Equip

    Addon SkLogs 1.4

    What is this? This is an updated fork of the skript addon, Skript-Logs. This aims to provide easier usage of reading console messages in real time (including player ran commands) without the hassle of using skript-reflect and hippo. Relevant Links Documentation...
  8. SkriptEnjoyer

    Lightning Bolt Packet

    Someone know how to summon lightning bolt visible to a specific player with a packet using skript-packet or skript-reflect? I know use the PacketPlayOutSpawnEntity, but do not know how to use it. if you know that, please tell me how to do. Minecraft Version: 1.18.2 Skript Version: 2.6.3 Addon...
  9. L

    Solved Does anyone knows how to install Skungee on Velocity?

    I installed skungee addon and set up configurations, but nothing is working correctly. First of all, command bar always giving me error, whatever i input in it. And also, network variables not save, giving a <none>, when I trying to message the variable. Is there any tutorials how to properly...
  10. Trason

    Addon Skitch - The Twitch Addon 1.4.4

    Hello Skripters Today Skitch brings out Twitch Support to Skript! If you connect your chat with your livechat or create some funny twitch command or combine it with DiSky to create a Twitch Notification Discord Bot. I did only test Skitch on Paper 1.19.2 and Skript 2.6.3. Login Code Example...
  11. I

    Async Pre Login Disallow in Skript

    Hello. I'm looking for a way to use an AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent in a skript. @EventHandler public void onPreLogin(AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent event) { /// event.disallow(AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent.Result.KICK_BANNED, "You cant join"); } I am not looking for a solution such as kick a player...
  12. Q

    Solved Is there an Addon for WorldEdit Schematics that works with 1.17?

    Hi there, Im trying to paste a WorldGuard Schematic in my Skript on a 1.17.1 Server. I’ve heard that I can use „structures“, but is there an Addon for WorldEdit Stuff? (Skematics seems not to work with 1.17)
  13. K

    TuSke for BenSku's fork 1.8

    Hey, I am looking for Tuske Addon for this skript version. Minecraft 1.8 Thanks
  14. C

    Remove NBT from Entity

    Hi, how can i remove, with the SkBee Addon, NBT from Entity? "remove "{map:28}" from nbt of event-entity" is not working
  15. S

    how to spawn entity with no ai

    I want to spawn an entity with no ai using skStuff but all i get is This is my code at the moment: command /noai <entity type>: permission: summon.noai trigger: if arg-1 is set: spawn arg-1 at location of the player add "{NoAI:1}" to nbt tag of last...
  16. I

    Hiring Java developer...

    So, I need someone to make a skript addon... If anyone is willing to work for free, please message me via skunity. This is completely for personal use. Heres what I want: Effects: set [the] [app] icon of %player% to %item% set [the] name of [the] app of %player% to %text% [with color...
  17. C

    Solved Skript Addon works only with /reload

    Hello, I've made an Addon for Skript but I have a little issue with it... When I start my local server, the skript doesn't load the syntax ("Can't understand this condition/effect...") But, if I do a /reload, the Addon loads well ?! Please explain me why I tried : - Reinstall Server - Changing...
  18. Moderocky

    Addon Guardian 1.2.6

    Guardian is designed as a more lightweight alternative to plugins such as WorldGuard and Residence, with Skript support built into the plugin directly, a slightly more visual wand/creation system, and an extremely easy addon API that can be used through both Java and Skript. You can use this as...
  19. N

    On Anvil Combine:

    Hi. I need some help with a event. I dont know if its possible or anytihng, but i cant find out what the event for the combined thing is called: i need it there as something like "event-item-combined" the errors are:
  20. X

    Addon Tuske NOT WORKING

    I have an addon called Tuske if i try to make a GUI i get this: [ERROR] #!#! [ERROR] #!#! [Skript] Severe Error: [ERROR] #!#! [ERROR] #!#! Something went horribly wrong with Skript. [ERROR] #!#! This issue is NOT your fault! You probably can't fix it yourself, either. [ERROR] #!#! It looks like...