Category: Skript Addon / Script with Skript-Mirror
Suggested name: AdvSK
Spigot/Skript Version: 1.8 to 1.13.2 should work, but 1.12.2 preferred.
What I want:
This is probably a very difficult request, but it would be extremely useful. Lately I've been using Python and it has an amazing method for lists which I'd like to use in Skript, where you can set variables to list and get items of it. I want to be able to do that with Skript with syntax similar to this:
I have another simpler suggestion, I want to be able to define variables easier with syntax like:
Ideas for commands:
It's more of an addon idea.
Ideas for permissions:
It's more of an addon idea.
When I'd like it by:
Quickest: One Day (If you can somehow do it in one day than props to you.)
Expecting: 5 days to 3 weeks
Longest: 3 weeks to 2 months
Overall: I expect it in about 1 day to 2 months.
Suggested name: AdvSK
Spigot/Skript Version: 1.8 to 1.13.2 should work, but 1.12.2 preferred.
What I want:
This is probably a very difficult request, but it would be extremely useful. Lately I've been using Python and it has an amazing method for lists which I'd like to use in Skript, where you can set variables to list and get items of it. I want to be able to do that with Skript with syntax similar to this:
set {this} to [player, "Hello!"]
this[1] #would be equal to player
add ["Yes", "No"] to {this} #Support for lists in list
I have another simpler suggestion, I want to be able to define variables easier with syntax like:
{this} = 5 #Works like:
#set {this} to 5
Ideas for commands:
It's more of an addon idea.
Ideas for permissions:
It's more of an addon idea.
When I'd like it by:
Quickest: One Day (If you can somehow do it in one day than props to you.)
Expecting: 5 days to 3 weeks
Longest: 3 weeks to 2 months
Overall: I expect it in about 1 day to 2 months.