- Supported Skript Version
- 2.7
- 2.8
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.16
- 1.17
- 1.18
- 1.19
- 1.20
Hello Skripters
Today Skitch brings out Twitch Support to Skript!
If you connect your chat with your livechat or create some funny twitch command or combine it with DiSky to create a Twitch Notification Discord Bot.
I did only test Skitch on Paper 1.19.2 and Skript 2.6.3.
Login Code Example:
Stream Start Example:
Chat Message Example:
Skitch was made cause i needed it myself for a Good Notification Discord bot (Made with DiSky and SKiTch) but now i want share it with you all!
Today Skitch brings out Twitch Support to Skript!
If you connect your chat with your livechat or create some funny twitch command or combine it with DiSky to create a Twitch Notification Discord Bot.
I did only test Skitch on Paper 1.19.2 and Skript 2.6.3.
Login Code Example:
on load:
twitch login to client "5g8k7ijsrghsrghsfghsfghs4ectdqo" with token "x4btasfghsfghsfghau79p4pgocdm" with secret "wes92wvsgfhsfghssxvff2dtatos" to overview "ChannelName_1, ChannelName_2, ChannelName_3"
Stream Start Example:
on twitch channel goes life:
set {_channel} to event-livechannel
send "&a[&5TWITCH&a]&6 The channel &a%{_livechannel}%&6 is now &cLive&r" to console
Chat Message Example:
on twitch message:
set {_channel} to event-livechannel
set {_user} to event-liveuser
set {_message} to event-livemessage
send "&6[%{_channel}%] &b| &6[%{_user}%] :&a %{_message}%%nl%" to console
- get follow events
- get stream start events
- get subsciption events
- get / send live messages from / to twitch
- and more..
Skitch was made cause i needed it myself for a Good Notification Discord bot (Made with DiSky and SKiTch) but now i want share it with you all!