• Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

    If you haven't done so already, feel free to join our official Discord server to expand your level of interaction with the comminuty!

    Now, what are you waiting for? Join the community now!

  • Updated libraries to Spigot 1.19.4, Skript 2.7.0-beta2 and Bungeecord 1.19
  • Changed the Packets#getPacketId to an int rather than a byte.
- Updated to Spigot and Bungeecord 1.19.
- Updated to Velocity 3.0.
- Now compiles down to Java 8. So Java 8-17+ is supported.
- Updated all libraries.
This update adds Java 17 support.
After a year, Skungee is finally getting a public update again! Today we present the long awaited 2.0.0 version. This is a complete recode of the entire system. Many of you are already using our ALPHA or BETA versions of 2.0.0 and are familiar with it.

Our team has developed our own protocol called Japson which is based off Google's QUIC protocol. It's fast, secure, simplistic and maintains a connection like TCP, with that we welcome Jordan to the backend development of Sitrica resources (Skungee's counterpart).

2.0.0 source code: https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee-2.0.0

- Java 16+
- Skript 2.6+

We will be merging the /Skungee-2.0.0 repo into just /Skungee in the future when 2.0.0 comes out of beta.

This version is still in BETA but reliable enough to be released publicly as a beta.
Please report any errors at https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee-2.0.0/issues

All Skungee documentation has been set to 2.0.0 on Skripthub

Make sure you delete your Skungee folder in /plugins when updating from 1.0.15 to 2.0.0 as the configurations are different.

Skungee now supports Velocity https://velocitypowered.com
Skungee was the first addon to go beyond Spigot, and is now the first addon to go beyond the Spigot/Bungeecord team.

Because of this, all syntaxes have been renamed from using "bungeecord" to "proxy" as it's not just bungeecord anymore, make sure to read the documentation to understand the new syntaxes.

Skungee fully uses the Skript API. Types such as %skungeeplayers% can accept a String of UUID, String of username, or an actual player object.
You can use `server "example"` to grab a server for %skungeeservers%

If you have any questions, feel free to write an issue on our repository. The link is where you report issues above, or using our discussion thread here, or use our dedicated Discord channel on skript-chat at https://discord.gg/7rk74Pg

Are you a Java programmer? Do you love Skungee? We have an advanced API you can use to gain cross network communication. Check out our README at our source code and wiki for API documentation!

We have planned updates and extensions coming to Skungee. Yes, you can now create extensions for Skungee. Planned ones being RedisBungee and BungeeTabListPlus as those syntaxes have been removed to keep Skungee organized. We already have a premium addon called ServerInstances which allows you to create a cloud based server network, check it out here: https://forums.skunity.com/resources/serverinstances.516/

We can't wait to see what you will make with our powerful Skungee, cheers.
- Fixed issues with ServerInstances
- Fixed the 1.16 error with dimension, as Mojang changed the dimension login packet.
- Fixed syntax with ServerInstances
- Added server connect for ServerInstances
  • Update to support 1.16
The Skungee team has been working on Skungee 2.0.0 which is faster, better for usability, which means less manual tinkering for users. Not all Skungee 1.X series syntax have been ported over, but the most important syntax have been. Skungee 2.X series can not be ran along side 1.X series. You can check it out at the following link: https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee-2.0.0/releases

Version: 1.0.12


  • Fixed Skungee current server of player not working. (#46 Thanks Melinstagibson)
  • Events are now properly handled in async.
  • Fixed the disconnect packet not being sent due to Skungee being disabled at same time.
  • Fixed a Skungee timeout crash. Skungee now handles everything in 5 seconds or else handles the packet as a missed packet.
  • Fixed Skungee NullPointer on startup and disable. (#121 Thanks Bloggy)
  • Fixed a bug where Spigot Skungee would ignore packets if the Bungee Skungee said it's connected already.
  • Cleaned up some console messages and debug messages.
  • Received packet debug is now included in the ignored packets configuration node list.
  • A bunch of code optimizations on the Skungee Protocol and some code cleaning.
  • Fixed issues with the receiver on startup.
  • Changed how the packet queue works.
  • Skungee properly handles async getting now.
  • Cleaned up some configuration values and nodes, aswell as making some comments more clear to understand.
  • Updated Github.
  • Updated all dependencies to latest.
  • Updated gradle wrapper.
  • Added configuration node "bungeecord-keep-alive-delay" on Spigot Skungee which defines the delay before the keep alive task starts after the Bungeecord crashes.
  • Added a database for internal syntax, let us know by making an issue feature suggestion on our Github for neat syntax.
  • With the new database, Skungee has added a play time tracker, Skungee is always tracking the player's play time.
    • Code:
      [(all [[of] the]|the)] bungee[[ ]cord] play[ ]time [(of|for|on) servers %strings%] (of|from) [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players%
      %strings/players%['s] [(player|uuid)[s]] bungee[[ ]cord] play[ ]time [(of|for|on) servers %strings%]
  • Custom packets in the Skungee API. https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee/wiki/Using-the-Skungee-API
  • This update has been in the works since November, and there was lots changed (2k additions), list of file changes can be found here https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee/compare/1.0.11...master#files_bucket
  • The config.yml will reset on updating, old configurations will be moved to their own folder, make sure to reset the values from the old configuration into the new configuration.
  • You need to install this update on both the Spigot servers and Bungeecord servers.
  • If you find any bugs, please notify a Skungee developer with all the information you can provide, errors, your code, the versions of the servers and Skungee etc at the issues link below.
  • Source code at: https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee
  • Skungee progress can be viewed at https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee/projects
  • Skungee bugs can be reported at https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee/issues
  • If you feel like donating to this free project you can do so by clicking the button below, much love.
Added the /skungee paste uploader for Skungee developers to debug your problems easier.

Fixed message players.

Added an option to change the Bungeecord socket buffer size in bytes.

Bug fixes