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Skungee Team
Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.15
  9. 1.16
  10. 1.17
ServerInstances is a premium Skript addon that extends Skungee's API to create cloud network based servers. It has syntax which gets injected into Skungee on startup and those syntax can then be utilized to create and manage a cloud based network, all configurations and data folders are generated within the Skungee plugin folder.

  1. Make sure you have Skungee installed and configured correctly.
  2. The downloaded jar goes on the Bungeecord and Spigot, placing it in the plugins folder.
  3. Add templates. Wiki here: https://github.com/Skungee/ServerInstances/wiki
  4. Restart the Bungeecord instance and any Skungee servers you just installed ServerInstances on.
Current syntaxes:

Start a template
(start|create) [a] [new] [bungee[[ ]cord]] server[s] (with|from) [the] template[s] %strings%

Get all template names
[(all [[of] the]|the)] templates [(on|for) server instances]


   # The dedotaded wam allocated to the servers. This can be modified by the Instance object.
   # Xmx is the maximum amount allocated. Xmx should always be greater than or equal to Xms.
   default-Xmx: 512M
   # Xms is the amount allocated heap size.
   default-Xms: 256M
   # The range of the ports for the servers (Keep in mind the ports need to be port forwarded or available to you)
   minimum-port: 25000
   maximum-port: 27000
       # Should the player only get moved when an Instance server stops, crashes or if it's moving the user?
       enabled: true
       # The server that players will get sent to when an Instance gets closed.
       server: "Hub"
       # The message stated to the user when the user gets moved from an Instance to the fallback server.
       # Placeholders are:
       #   %previous% - the server they got moved from.
       #   %kickmsg% - the kick message if the server gave a reasoning.
       message: "&cYou have been moved from the server %previous% to the fallback server Hub due to %kickmsg%"
   # The maximum amount of server instances that can be running at the same time.
   max-servers: 25
   # You can add some command arguments here for the server run command.
   # The default argument "-DIReallyKnowWhatIAmDoingISwear" allows the server to start up without the outdated delay message.
   # If you're using PaperSpigot you can add the argument "-Dcom.mojang.eula.agree=true" to allow for the eula to be signed as true.
   # This argument is great if you're generating servers, otherwise the eula from the server directory will be used like normal.
       - "-DIReallyKnowWhatIAmDoingISwear"

   # If you would like ServerInstances to bind to an exact IP address you can define so here. Ports not excepted.
   address-bind: ""

# All details for the bootloader, which relays info to the main system from Spigot to Bungeecord.
   password: "password"
   address-bind: ""
   port: 1337
   debug: false

Template configurations:

# The MOTD of the server from this template.
motd: "This is my example server instance template"

# If the server should have the restricted bungeecord option.
restricted: false

# The internal name of this template.
name: "example"

# Set the exact port to run this template on.
port: 25571

# Total memory allocation pool of this template's servers.
# M = mb G = gb
xmx: "512M"

# Startup memory allocation pool of this template's servers.
# M = mb G = gb
xms: "256M"

# The jar name to look for and execute.
jar-name: "paper.jar"

# If the server should save so ServerInstance can start it again as it left off.
save: false

# Add additional command arguments.
command-arguments: []
Digital product
License duration
3.99 USD
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 6 ratings

More resources from LimeGlass

Latest updates

  1. 2.0.2

    - Updated to 1.19.4 and Skungee 2.0.0-BETA-5
  2. Updated Skungee

    - Updated to latest Skungee 2.0.0-BETA-1 and above...
  3. Updated to latest Skungee

    - Updated to latest Skungee 2.0.0-BETA-1 and above...

Latest reviews

I really wish there was a feature to delete servers as easy as it was to make them. Please consider that
Very good resource, I managed to create a server management system compared to the number of players connected, I have no bug. I advise :)
Thanks for the review!
Great resource - totally worth the money. I think the idea of cloud based servers with skript makes life so much easier. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
It seems that it has potential - looking forward for more cloud server stuff.
(Maybe something like server-side scripts?)
ServerInstances adapt everything from Skungee, so you can use GlobalScripts from Skungee to execute network scripts, you also place defined scripts in the templates of the ServerInstances to have scripts included within these ServerInstances. There isn't much I can think of to add. It's awesome and has full control over everything on the servers using Skungee. If you have any suggestions I will like to hear :D
Excellent. Developer very active, supportive, and always responds to questions! Can't wait for the next update, which will bring Stop syntax! :)

Great Addon, Limeglass! Worth the 4.99 -- Definetly!
Good support & resource, awaiting for more updates.