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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. M

    I purchased Premium skript but can't download it.

    How can I do it?
  2. Safeen azad

    Script ✦FreeForAll [Bungeecord, Shared] ✦ Beta 1.0

    About: Hey guys my name is "Safeen" i live from Iraq i've started codding skript 2 months ago and its my first skript Hope you like it! Sorry for my bad english! All commands are clickable, all commands got it self sound, join&leave > title+subtitle+message+sound, shop with special items...
  3. B

    Error with Region "Warzone" or Something

    The Code: on right click: player is holding a torch named "&r&lSuministro Epico &6(Click-Derecho)" with lore "&7Click-Derecho para invocar un Suministro Epico": if wg region at player is "Warzone": set {_loc} to the location at player set {_block} to yellow...
  4. LimeGlass

    Addon ServerInstances 2.0.2

    ServerInstances is a premium Skript addon that extends Skungee's API to create cloud network based servers. It has syntax which gets injected into Skungee on startup and those syntax can then be utilized to create and manage a cloud based network, all configurations and data folders are...
  5. F

    Script Simple Essentials Pro [ ★ Still Being Maintained! 1.12.x - 1.14.x ★ ] 1.14.1

    Simple Essentials is an Essentials Skript aiming to be better then all the other ones on Spigot. Currently it is no where near a good standard and is currently in Alpha stage with HEAVY Development. This is currently my main project and I will try to be pushing out frequent updates. Be sure to...