- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.15
- 1.16
- 1.17
- 1.18
- 1.19
- 1.20
Documentation | Github | Bug reports
An addon dedicated to hacking things and maintaining packet syntaxes.
Use the latest version 1.1.0+ for 1.19.3+
Use version 1.0.13 for versions between 1.18 and 1.19.2
Use version 1.0.5 or lower for versions outside of 1.18 and Java 17. Click "Version History" tab to view older versions.
An addon dedicated to hacking things and maintaining packet syntaxes.
Use the latest version 1.1.0+ for 1.19.3+
Use version 1.0.13 for versions between 1.18 and 1.19.2
Use version 1.0.5 or lower for versions outside of 1.18 and Java 17. Click "Version History" tab to view older versions.
- Java 17+
- ProtocolLib
- Skript 2.7+
- Client side armour. (Client side means only certain players see it)
- Sign GUIs like Hypixel.
- Client side world borders (Great for Skyblock barriers)
- Anvil GUIs.
- Send an advancement toast notification to players.
- Block Break Animations.
- Vehicle Steer Event.
- Client side glowing
- Utilizes Sections
command /sign:
set {_player} to player
player doesn't have a sign gui open
open a sign gui to the player with lines "&6---------", "<##00ff00>Type your name:", "" and "---------":
message the lines to {_player}
set {_name} to line 3
message "You entered %{_name}%!" to {_player}
command /anvil:
open an anvil with title "Enter your friends name" to player with left item stone named "Search...":
close player's inventory
the anvil click type was output
message "%event-string% was the result and the slot was %event-number%" to player
on sound:
the sound is "entity bat takeoff"
set the volume to 10
set the pitch to 1
the sound seed is not 1
set the sound seed to 1
broadcast "bat took off sound aww"
- Place in your plugins folder.
- Make sure you have Skript and ProtocolLib installed and enabled.
- Restart server.