
Addon Skacket 1.1.0

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Updates Skacket to 1.20.1 and Skript 2.7.0.

This version ONLY runs on 1.19.3+ use 1.0.13 of Skacket for older versions.
Updated libraries to 1.19
Updates to Spigot 1.19.1
1.0.11 fixed Client side world borders
- Fixed stop glowing not working properly
- Added a system that will update the entity back to glowing after it's metadata changes.
- Fixed client side armour effect not working properly.
- Updated to 1.18.2

This version only works for Java 17
Skript 2.6.1 support and 1.18 Anvil GUIs. This version only works in Java 17.
Added 1.16+ support for the entity equipment syntax
Added new toast notification which displays the advancement toast icon notification in the top right corner using CrazyAdvancementAPI.
send %players% [advancement] toast [notification] %string% with [icon] %itemstack% and frame %advancementframe%

   goal: goal
   challenge: challenge
   task: task

send player toast "&6Skacket Example" with icon glowing diamond pickaxe and frame goal

This version only runs on 1.18.1+ and Java 17
Fixed player dig event not working as intended.
Updated libraries

This version only runs on 1.18 and Java 17
Updated libraries.

This version only runs on 1.18 and Java 17
REQUIRES SKRIPT 2.6-beta-3, Java 16 and ProtocolLib 4.7.0+

- Updated to Skript 2.6-beta-3
- Fixed sound event not working
- Added event values for pitch and sound to sound event
- Changed the anvil gui to the new section api.
You can use event-anvilclick or anvil click to get the result of the click in the anvil either complete, left or right complete means they clicked the result far right item.
you can use event-string to get the result of what they typed in.
also [the] anvil click[ed] [type] (was|is)(0¦|1¦n('|o)t) %anvilclicks%

Example script:
command /anvil:
       # open [an] anvil [gui] (named|with title) %string% to %players% with [left item %itemstack% and] [right] item %itemstack% [[and] exclud(e|ing) left and right clicks]
       open an anvil named "&4Testing 1" to player with potato named "Insert name...": # Everything in the section is a different event from the command. It's the actual anvil event.
           # Anvil Click Type can be left [click], right [click] or complete/finish which is far right when only left item is present.
           broadcast "Click type was %event-anvilclick%"
           # [the] anvil click[ed] [type] (was|is)(0¦|1¦n('|o)t) %anvilclicks%
           # This is a condition.
           anvil click was complete
           broadcast "Response was %event-string%"
           set {_inventory} to a chest inventory named event-string with 4 rows
           add a diamond to {_inventory}
           open {_inventory} to player
       # Testing
       broadcast "actualNext"

command /sign:
       set {_test} to "result"
       open sign gui to player with "Enter text", "vvvvvvvvv", "", and "^^^^^^^^^":
           broadcast lines
           broadcast {_test}