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- Updated to 1.19.4 and Skungee 2.0.0-BETA-5
- Updated to latest Skungee 2.0.0-BETA-1 and above https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee-2.0.0/releases
- Updated to latest Spigot
- Updated to Gradle 7
- Updated Spigot and Bungeecord
- Updated to latest Skungee 2.0.0-BETA-1 and above https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee-2.0.0/releases
- Updated to latest Spigot
- Updated to Gradle 7
- Updated Spigot and Bungeecord
Welcome to ServerInstances 2.0.0 this version only works with Skungee 2.0.0-ALPHA-16.2 and higher https://github.com/Skungee/Skungee-2.0.0/releases

This is currently in beta. Please report all bugs at https://github.com/Skungee/ServerInstancesSkript/issues

Current syntaxes:

Start a template
(start|create) [a] [new] [bungee[[ ]cord]] server[s] (with|from) [the] template[s] %strings%

Get all template names
[(all [[of] the]|the)] templates [(on|for) server instances]

  1. Make sure you have Skungee 2.0.0 installed and configured correctly.
  2. The downloaded content goes on the Bungeecord network, placing it in the plugins folder.
  3. Place ServerInstancesSkript in the Spigot server and the Bungeecord proxy plugins folder.
  4. Add templates. Wiki here: https://github.com/Skungee/ServerInstances/wiki
  5. Restart the Bungeecord instance and any Skungee servers you just installed ServerInstances on.

Wiki: https://github.com/Skungee/ServerInstances/wiki
- Fixed servers not getting added to the /server command
- Fixed a bug where the create server syntax didn't work in some cases
- Updated majority of the whole system to my networks fork of ServerInstances.
- Added more debug messages
- Updated Terms of Service. Please review the terms of service, nothing added, only modified.
- Added a connect to server instances effect
(send|connect) bungee[[ ]cord] [(player|uuid)[s]] %strings/players% to [server] instance %string%

Support for Skungee 2.0.0 will be coming soon.

This version requires 1.0.15 of Skungee

Report any issues at https://github.com/Skungee/ServerInstances/issues
  • Updated to 1.16
  • Potentially fixed an issue where the config.yml wouldn't update properly with the correct servers that were deleted or added.
Updated ServerInstances to latest Skungee 1.0.10a

Fixed a bug that happens when Skungee did not load properly, or was not installed.
  • Like
Reactions: rigbot
Updated to work with Skungee 1.0.7+
Use the older version of ServerInstances v1 if you continue to use Skungee versions lower than 1.0.6.

This update will reset your configuration for ServerInstances so make sure you have saved the configuration for it.

Report errors at https://github.com/Skungee/ServerInstances/issues and the team will get on them as soon as we can, thanks.