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  1. M

    Doors trigger

    Hello, I would like to ask for help ❤️ I have no idea how to add to this script so that the script does not respond to all acacia doors but only to those located at coordinates 46, 64, -21, I hope someone can help me thanks! on right click on acacia door: send "OMG DOKÁZAL JSI OTEVŘÍT DVĚŘE"
  2. S

    settings in sk parser aren't saving

    So i just found out their is a parser/tester on the skript website wich is great... I just wanted to change how to tabs indented but for some reason it won't save. i clearly says quote ''Change how the Parser indents text. These settings are saved in your browser and will save when you change...
  3. D

    Solved Clearlag

    Hello! I have made a script to remove entities: every 5 minutes: wait 60 seconds broadcast "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &760 &cseconds!" actionbar "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &760 &cseconds!" wait 30 seconds broadcast "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will...
  4. D

    3x3x3 blast mining and telekinesis

    Hello everyone! I need help with my skript: on mine: if player's held item is netherite pickaxe named "&cBlast I": if event-block is netherrack or bedrock or nether bricks or black stained glass or nether wart block or magma block: cancel event send "&cHey...
  5. F

    add enchant

    Question : How do you add Enchant to player's tool? what I want) add sharpness 5 to enchant of player's tool
  6. G

    Hiding entities

    Hi, I don't know why but I can't hide an entity with this (simplified) skript: on damage: hide victim to attacker I have skript 2.6.2 installed in a 1.19.4 server with Java 20 and Skellett. Can someone help me please?
  7. C

    Disable : commands

    I would like to disable commands with : (/skript:sk), i know i can cancel the command when players run it but i also wanna disable the tab completion in skript but not using anything like blacklisters or whitelisters plugin because i want to do it in skript, i dont want to keep adding.
  8. C

    Spawn an Server-Sided Bot and NPC

    Hello, I am wondering how do i spawn a server sided bot (player that shows up in commands) and an NPC (that doesnt show up in commands( I think this is possible with Skript-reflect but idk how to do it I am doing this for a project
  9. E

    Skript variable with Vault economy API

    Hello, I want to ask you how can I use a Skript variable as Vault economy API. I tried many ways but anyone didn't work.
  10. I

    how to use a skript variable with a uuid as a placeholder api placeholder?

    how can I make this work: %skript_something::uuid%
  11. Deegz

    Cancel Teleportation with Movement

    Hey there. I'm quite confused on how to cancel the teleportation when someone moves.. Here's the code. command testtp: aliases: tt, ttp trigger: wait 0.25 seconds console command "effect give %player% blindness 3 200" console command "effect give %player%...
  12. C

    Get Luckperms values

    I am trying to change a player's luckperms rank and geting the rank name, player's rank, and the weight of the rank. sharpsk is not working for me, please help here is my code command /grant <player> <text=default>: permission: nativeranks.grant permission message: &cYou do not have the...
  13. IViddyy

    Selecting A Random Player

    Hi im trying to make a command that when used selects a random player and calls them a nerd (example: [player] is a nerd!!!) but i dont know how to.I made a command that kinda works but idk how to send the name of the player.Here is the code i have currently command /nerd: trigger...
  14. A

    Solved Multiple fighters

    So I'm making a script where when the player inputs /applearmy and if the player's name is "Applespog" and the cooldown is ready, then spawns 5 zombies with apples on their heads. command /applearmy: trigger: if the player's name is "Applespog": if...
  15. C

    Change a player's nametag

    Hi. I would like to change a player's nametag (Without MundoSK or Tablinknu), I dont wanna use MundoSK or tablinknu because they are outdated
  16. S

    How do i set a mobs ai when i spawn it in?

    So, I have a server, where u kill mobs, But i want a pig that has an ai of a zombie of some sort, so i tried set ai of {pigA} to zombie, so what can i do to acheive this?
  17. S

    looping all bungeecord players

    I am trying to give all players on my server x coins every 10 minutes of time they play. every 10 minutes: loop all bungeecord players: message "&6+1 Coin" to loop-player add 1 to network variable {network.coin.%loop-player%} The error i get is: Can't understand this loop...
  18. A

    Delete redstone dust and redstone block from player's inventory

    Please help I am trying to find out a way to delete all redstone blocks and redstone dust from players inventories. on item pickup: if event-item = redstone dust: remove all redstone dust from player's inventory
  19. A

    I want to make a necromancer skript

    I want to make a necromancer skript but when i kill the mob it does not get added on death: if the attacker's held item is a green dye named "&2Necromancer Fire &7(Tier 2)": if {power.%attacker%} = "Necromancer": if the victim is not a player: add the...
  20. D

    examination nick

    how to check for the person executing the command, that is, if he enters his nickname, he will write to him in the chat that he cannot be himself, pls help