Solved Multiple fighters

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Aug 8, 2021
So I'm making a script where when the player inputs /applearmy and if the player's name is "Applespog" and the cooldown is ready, then spawns 5 zombies with apples on their heads.

command /applearmy:
        if the player's name is "Applespog":
            if {appleexplosioncld.%player%} is 0:
                loop all baby zombies in radius 50 of the player:
                    if the helmet of loop-entity is an apple:
                        kill loop-entity
                loop 5 times:
                    spawn a baby zombie
                    set helmet of last spawned entity to apple
                    add the last spawned entity to {mob::*}
                    set tool of last spawned entity to iron sword of sharpness 1
                    apply speed 3 to the last spawned entity for 30 seconds
                loop all entities in radius 10 around player:
                    if loop-entity is not the player:
                        if loop-entity's helmet is not an apple:
                            set target of {mob::*} to loop-entity
                set {appleexplosioncld.%player%} to 30
                while {appleexplosioncld.%player%} > 0:
                    wait 1 second
                    remove 1 from {appleexplosioncld.%player%}
                send action bar "&c%{appleexplosioncld.%player%}% Seconds remaining " to player

Sadly after killing one mob they just kill me instead of hunting for others, Can you please fix this? Thanks.