Solved Clearlag

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May 29, 2023
I have made a script to remove entities:
every 5 minutes:
  wait 60 seconds
  broadcast "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &760 &cseconds!"
  actionbar "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &760 &cseconds!"
  wait 30 seconds
  broadcast "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &730 &cseconds!"
  actionbar "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &730 &cseconds!"
  wait 20 seconds
  broadcast "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &710 &cseconds!"
  actionbar "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &710 &cseconds!"
  wait 5 seconds
  broadcast "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &75 &cseconds!"
  actionbar "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &75 &cseconds!"
  wait 5 seconds
  execute console command "/killall entities world"
  broadcast "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities are removed!"
command /clearlagg:
  permission: op
    execute console command "/killall entities world"
    send "&cKilled all entities" to player
every 5 seconds:
  loop dropped items at world
  if loop-value is more than 50:
    execute console command "/killall entities world"
The errors are:
Line 10: (
Can't understand this condition/effect: actionbar "&4BMJbox ? &cAll entities will be removed in &710 &cseconds!"
Line: actionbar "&4BMJbox ? &cAll entities will be removed in &710 &cseconds!"
Line 13: (
Can't understand this condition/effect: actionbar "&4BMJbox ? &cAll entities will be removed in &75 &cseconds!"
Line: actionbar "&4BMJbox ? &cAll entities will be removed in &75 &cseconds!"
Line 23: (
Can't understand this condition/effect: loop dropped items at world
Line: loop dropped items at world
Line 24: (
There's no loop that matches 'loop-value'
Line: if loop-value is more than 50:
Encountered 6 errors while reloading! (12ms)

What I want is:
If there are more than 50 dropped items then execute console command "/killall entities world"
And the actionbar

Thank you for help!
send actionbar "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &710 &cseconds!"

You can't send action bar if you don't specify the player, moreover you need to loop all players to do that since you placed it on a interval where none entities are concerned.

  • every 5 seconds:
  • loop dropped items at world
  • if loop-value is more than 50:
execute console command "/killall entities world"

Here, you are basically verifying if the item is more than 50. loop-value is the output of the loop.
You need to add a number on a variable on the loop to get the amount of dropped items

every 5 seconds:
  loop all dropped items in "world":
    add 1 to {_dropped_items}
  if {_dropped_items} > 50:
      execute console command "/killall entities world"
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Reactions: DrunkSheep73
Thank you!
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