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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. J

    Solved solved

  2. M

    Disguising a MOB / Zombie

    command createbot: permission: op trigger: spawn zombie at player set name of last spawned entity to "SKPVPBot" set {_d} to player set disguise of last spawned entity to {_d} I have tried this but yet it didn't disguise into the player's skin.
  3. E

    Solved Chat filter

    I am making a chat filter and don't want people to use "illegal" characters that are not "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,.<>/?;':"[]{}=+-_0987654321!@#$%^&*()`~|\" Is there a way to do this other than putting all other characters in a blacklist like this? if message...
  4. D

    Solved Reaction events

    Hello! I have a skript made for reaction events: options: winner: &e&l%player% &r&aanswered first with &e&l end: &r&a! noans: &cNo one knows the answer: &6&l keytype: tripwire hook keyname: "&a&lCommon &r&7Key" keylore: "<##ff0000>Use &l/warp crates &r<##ff0000>to open!"...
  5. E


    Solved, Dont know how to delete!
  6. K

    Solved Is there a way to make this code more efficient?

    Hi everyone, I am very new to coding. I made a skript for fortune to work on all blocks and so that they go in the player's inventory. The skript is working fine, but I was wondering If I can make the code more efficent, more compact. I added the skript in a .txt file below thanks!
  7. K

    Solved Need Help with compacting this skript

    Hi everyone, I am really new to skript and I made a skript but I have no idea how to make it smaller. The skript I have right now is way too long and crashes the server (It works when its smaller) Can someone help me? Thanks! I put the code in a .txt file your you guys to read.
  8. D

    Solved On holding more than one crate key it doesn't work anymore

    Hi everyone! I have made a skript for crates: options: # KEYS: keytype: tripwire hook keyname: "&aCommon &7Key" keylore: "&cUse /warp crates to open!" on rightclick: if event-block is shulker box: if block below event-block is fence: cancel event...
  9. M

    Doors trigger

    Hello, I would like to ask for help ❤️ I have no idea how to add to this script so that the script does not respond to all acacia doors but only to those located at coordinates 46, 64, -21, I hope someone can help me thanks! on right click on acacia door: send "OMG DOKÁZAL JSI OTEVŘÍT DVĚŘE"
  10. S

    settings in sk parser aren't saving

    So i just found out their is a parser/tester on the skript website wich is great... I just wanted to change how to tabs indented but for some reason it won't save. i clearly says quote ''Change how the Parser indents text. These settings are saved in your browser and will save when you change...
  11. D

    Solved Clearlag

    Hello! I have made a script to remove entities: every 5 minutes: wait 60 seconds broadcast "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &760 &cseconds!" actionbar "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will be removed in &760 &cseconds!" wait 30 seconds broadcast "&4BMJbox » &cAll entities will...
  12. D

    3x3x3 blast mining and telekinesis

    Hello everyone! I need help with my skript: on mine: if player's held item is netherite pickaxe named "&cBlast I": if event-block is netherrack or bedrock or nether bricks or black stained glass or nether wart block or magma block: cancel event send "&cHey...
  13. F

    add enchant

    Question : How do you add Enchant to player's tool? what I want) add sharpness 5 to enchant of player's tool
  14. Gabanger

    Hiding entities

    Hi, I don't know why but I can't hide an entity with this (simplified) skript: on damage: hide victim to attacker I have skript 2.6.2 installed in a 1.19.4 server with Java 20 and Skellett. Can someone help me please?
  15. C

    Disable : commands

    I would like to disable commands with : (/skript:sk), i know i can cancel the command when players run it but i also wanna disable the tab completion in skript but not using anything like blacklisters or whitelisters plugin because i want to do it in skript, i dont want to keep adding.
  16. C

    Spawn an Server-Sided Bot and NPC

    Hello, I am wondering how do i spawn a server sided bot (player that shows up in commands) and an NPC (that doesnt show up in commands( I think this is possible with Skript-reflect but idk how to do it I am doing this for a project
  17. E

    Skript variable with Vault economy API

    Hello, I want to ask you how can I use a Skript variable as Vault economy API. I tried many ways but anyone didn't work.
  18. I

    how to use a skript variable with a uuid as a placeholder api placeholder?

    how can I make this work: %skript_something::uuid%
  19. Deegz

    Cancel Teleportation with Movement

    Hey there. I'm quite confused on how to cancel the teleportation when someone moves.. Here's the code. command testtp: aliases: tt, ttp trigger: wait 0.25 seconds console command "effect give %player% blindness 3 200" console command "effect give %player%...
  20. C

    Get Luckperms values

    I am trying to change a player's luckperms rank and geting the rank name, player's rank, and the weight of the rank. sharpsk is not working for me, please help here is my code command /grant <player> <text=default>: permission: nativeranks.grant permission message: &cYou do not have the...