command /funwatcher <text>
permission: funwatcher.all
permission message: &4Only Players with permission funwatcher.all have access to this command!
if arg 1 is "help":
send "&4[FUNWATCHER] &c/funwatcher alerts - enabled alerts (this is a placeholder command)"
send "&4[FUNWATCHER] &c/funwatcher help - shows this page"
send "&4[FUNWATCHER] &c/funwatcherpunish [player] - bans a player "
if arg 1 is "alerts":
send "&4[FUNWATCHER] &aAlerts Toggled!
command /funwatcherpunish <offlineplayer>
permission: funwatcher.all
permission message: &4Only Players with permission funwatcher.all have access to this command!
ban player for "Funwatcher ban for client modifications! Appeal at!
on Skript start:
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "funwatcher.alerts":
message "&4[FUNWATCHER] &cFunwatcher loaded, alerts are enabled!"
on damage of player:
if attacker's gamemode is survival:
if attacker is a player:
if the distance between the attacker and victim is higher than 3.01:
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "funwatcher.alerts":
send "&4[FUNWATCHER] &c%attacker% has failed reach!
if the distance between the attacker and victim is higher than 3.5:
execute console command "ban %attacker% &4[FUNWATCHER] &cCHEAT DETECTION [REACH]
permission: funwatcher.all
permission message: &4Only Players with permission funwatcher.all have access to this command!
if arg 1 is "help":
send "&4[FUNWATCHER] &c/funwatcher alerts - enabled alerts (this is a placeholder command)"
send "&4[FUNWATCHER] &c/funwatcher help - shows this page"
send "&4[FUNWATCHER] &c/funwatcherpunish [player] - bans a player "
if arg 1 is "alerts":
send "&4[FUNWATCHER] &aAlerts Toggled!
command /funwatcherpunish <offlineplayer>
permission: funwatcher.all
permission message: &4Only Players with permission funwatcher.all have access to this command!
ban player for "Funwatcher ban for client modifications! Appeal at!
on Skript start:
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "funwatcher.alerts":
message "&4[FUNWATCHER] &cFunwatcher loaded, alerts are enabled!"
on damage of player:
if attacker's gamemode is survival:
if attacker is a player:
if the distance between the attacker and victim is higher than 3.01:
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "funwatcher.alerts":
send "&4[FUNWATCHER] &c%attacker% has failed reach!
if the distance between the attacker and victim is higher than 3.5:
execute console command "ban %attacker% &4[FUNWATCHER] &cCHEAT DETECTION [REACH]