Get Luckperms values

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Apr 14, 2023
I am trying to change a player's luckperms rank and geting the rank name, player's rank, and the weight of the rank. sharpsk is not working for me, please help

here is my code
command /grant <player> <text=default>:
  permission: nativeranks.grant
  permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions to execute this command!
    set {_playerrank} to the luckperms primary group of player
    set {_y} to the luckperms primary group of arg-1
    set {_%arg-1%-weight} to the weight of the LuckPerms group named arg-2
    set {_%player%-weight} to the weight of the LuckPerms group named {_playerrank}
    if {_%arg-1%-weight} is higher than {_%player%-weight}:
      send "&c&lAccess Denied: &bYou cannot grant this player that rank!" to player
    if {_%arg-1%-weight} is the weight of the LuckPemrs group named arg-1:
      send "&c&lAccess Denied: &bYou cannot grant this player that rank! - Player is higher!" to player
      send "&a&lSucess! &6Sucessfully Granted %arg-1% the rank %arg-2%"
      set player's primary luckperms group to arg-2
      send "&a&lYou have been granted the rank &6%arg-1%" to arg-1
I am trying to change a player's luckperms rank and geting the rank name, player's rank, and the weight of the rank. sharpsk is not working for me, please help

here is my code
command /grant <player> <text=default>:
  permission: nativeranks.grant
  permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions to execute this command!
    set {_playerrank} to the luckperms primary group of player
    set {_y} to the luckperms primary group of arg-1
    set {_%arg-1%-weight} to the weight of the LuckPerms group named arg-2
    set {_%player%-weight} to the weight of the LuckPerms group named {_playerrank}
    if {_%arg-1%-weight} is higher than {_%player%-weight}:
      send "&c&lAccess Denied: &bYou cannot grant this player that rank!" to player
    if {_%arg-1%-weight} is the weight of the LuckPemrs group named arg-1:
      send "&c&lAccess Denied: &bYou cannot grant this player that rank! - Player is higher!" to player
      send "&a&lSucess! &6Sucessfully Granted %arg-1% the rank %arg-2%"
      set player's primary luckperms group to arg-2
      send "&a&lYou have been granted the rank &6%arg-1%" to arg-1
Use PermSk instead of SkUniversal.
Use PermSk instead of SkUniversal.
PermSK didnt work either.
[doublepost=1685160870,1685160724][/doublepost]i might try again using PermsSK cuz it didnt work the first time
command /grant <player> <text=default>:
  permission: nativeranks.grant
  permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions to execute this command!
    set {_playerrank} to the luckperms primary group of player
    set {_y} to the luckperms primary group of arg-1
    set {_%arg-1%-weight} to the weight of the LuckPerms group named arg-2
    set {_%player%-weight} to the weight of the LuckPerms group named {_playerrank}
    if {_%arg-1%-weight} is higher than {_%player%-weight}:
      send "&c&lAccess Denied: &bYou cannot grant this player that rank!" to player
    if {_%arg-1%-weight} is the weight of the LuckPemrs group named arg-1:
      send "&c&lAccess Denied: &bYou cannot grant this player that rank! - Player is higher!" to player
      send "&a&lSucess! &6Sucessfully Granted %arg-1% the rank %arg-2%"
      set player's primary luckperms group to arg-2
      send "&a&lYou have been granted the rank &6%arg-1%" to arg-1
PermSK didnt work either.
[doublepost=1685160870,1685160724][/doublepost]i might try again using PermsSK cuz it didnt work the first time
command /grant <player> <text=default>:
  permission: nativeranks.grant
  permission message: &cYou do not have the required permissions to execute this command!
    set {_playerrank} to the luckperms primary group of player
    set {_y} to the luckperms primary group of arg-1
    set {_%arg-1%-weight} to the weight of the LuckPerms group named arg-2
    set {_%player%-weight} to the weight of the LuckPerms group named {_playerrank}
    if {_%arg-1%-weight} is higher than {_%player%-weight}:
      send "&c&lAccess Denied: &bYou cannot grant this player that rank!" to player
    if {_%arg-1%-weight} is the weight of the LuckPemrs group named arg-1:
      send "&c&lAccess Denied: &bYou cannot grant this player that rank! - Player is higher!" to player
      send "&a&lSucess! &6Sucessfully Granted %arg-1% the rank %arg-2%"
      set player's primary luckperms group to arg-2
      send "&a&lYou have been granted the rank &6%arg-1%" to arg-1
Pls use correct syntax of Skperm