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  1. GreenDeviousity

    İnventory click wont work

    This skript doesn't seem to work. I use skquery and skrayfall. skript latest
  2. Simple

    3x3x3 blocks miner

    So I want a skript that makes a stone pickaxe named "&4TNT&cPICKAXE" mine 3x3x3 blocks. And when they person shifts and right clicks with the pickaxe it will show a gui to upgrade the pickaxe to 4x4x4. And if player has 5000 {coins} he can upgrade. If he can't the gui will close and a title will...
  3. eyzk

    Script SIMPLE BACKPACKS v1.0 2.2-dev34+

    SIMPLE BACKPACKS v1.0 Simple, customizable backpacks in just 10 lines (when compressed)! Compressed? Remove all notes, options, line breaks, and permissions for 10-lines of backpacking beauty! Download the file above, or copy the code from below. # SIMPLE BACKPACKS v1.0 # Please do not delete...
  4. S

    Solved How do you send a look-at packet?

    Hello. I want to write a Skript code to add a command which makes all players look at the player running the command. When I run the command, it says an internal error occured, and there is no other information given. What should I do? command /lookatme: trigger: set {_loc} to...
  5. V

    Armour equip event not working

    Hello, I have installed SharpSK, and I am trying to make armour add a stat when equipped and remove it when unequipped. The unequipping event works removes the stat when unequipped, but the equip event doesn't seem to be adding the stat. Can anyone help? No errors are displayed when reloading...
  6. TehNitro

    Solved Can't leave queue that I joined.

    When I join the queue it works perfectly fine, but when I try to leave the queue I can't. (There's no errors) on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag "queueGUI" of player): cancel event if index of event-slot is 11: if {Queued::*} contains player...
  7. V

    Problem with Personal and Serverwide boosters

    Hey! So I have this skript: The problem is that these only work for 1 player, the player who activated it, so I want it to work for everyone on the server if one player activated it. How should I try to do that or how do I do thats? Pls help and note that I'm a starter skripter and don't know...
  8. ctrlcheeb

    Stop Hotkey swap of item

    Hi, I am trying to make a menu item that can be clicked to open a navigator but is locked to one slot Using events such as "on drop" and "on inventory click" and then cancelling the event i can stop players both moving and dropping the item. However the issue is that player are still able to...
  9. P

    Don't drop some tools on death

    I'm trying to make a Skript where you don't drop pickaxes, sword, axes, and armor when you die. Here's my code; on death: attacker is a player: victim is a player: drop all items in victim's inventory at victim remove all swords and all pickaxes and all axes...
  10. A

    scoreboard glitch

    hi, im having problems with my scoreboard its buggy and glitching out. Can someone help me with this? my code is this: every 1 second: loop all players: set {_online} to number of all players set name of sidebar of loop-players to "&6&l&n&e&l&nG&6&l&nradeUpWards" wait...
  11. _tud

    Addon unsafe-skript 1.0-alpha1

    unsafe-skript True reflection capabilities for Skript unsafe-skript is a Skript addon providing true reflection capabilities. It was created and tested on the 2.7.0-beta3 Skript version. Support for other versions is not guaranteed. Features include: - dynamic function calling - run-time...
  12. iStopcontact

    Huge console error/server crash on reload of simple GUI skript.

    Hello, i realy hope someone can help me with this one. I made an (in my eyes) very simple and short GUI skript but when i reload the skript it makes my server crash and i get an huge error in the console. The error i get in the console is The skript i reload is: I realy hope someone can...
  13. jxstinnn

    Color code format thru other plugin

    Hey guys, i made a skript for chatcolor voucher but im using a other plugin for the chat colors so now its. But because skript registers &3 as a color code its not sended as a message with the command. Does anyone have solution to this?
  14. B

    Subtitle progress

    Hello ive been trying for some time now to fix this error but didnt succeed ive also looked up docs but didnt succeed in finding anything the error is following: Line 83: (vagt/ Cant understand this condition/effect: send title "&2&lVAGTPOST" with subtitle progress from...
  15. Z

    Solved Need Help for a Trade-Skript

    Hey, I already have many skripts but this one is very hard for me and im trying to get a Trade skript already so long, thats why I am asking here for help. I dont know if I ask to much but can somebody like post here a very raw trade skript which I can work with? (/trade command, gui oppens...
  16. L

    List with players to a function argument?

    Hello i have a list with player names that i need to use for a function argument but if i just put the list name in the argument field and i let the skript show me what is in that list it says <none> I have looked in a lot of threads but i cant find anything can sombody please say how to do this...
  17. S

    Skript: strike a player lightning

    Suggested name: strike a player lightning for cooldown Spigot/Skript Version: 1.8.9 and 1.12 What I want: Star a 10 seconds period where each hit has a 10% of striking lightning. basically a item that when u right click it gives a 10% chance of striking the player u are hitting Dealing 1.5...
  18. K

    Need help with this fortune/telepathy skript

    I have this skript for fortune and telepathy, but it can't detect if the block it breaks is an extendable Drop. Does anybody know how to fix this?
  19. 2

    AFK-Rewards on certain WorldGuard region

    Category: Skript Suggested name: AFK-Rewards Spigot/Skript Version: Skript 2.6.4 - Spigot 1.13.2 What I want: Something that when you stay at a worldguard region called "afk" for 30minutes it will make the console execute command /example <player> and if you quit during the 30minutes, the...
  20. P

    Kill player if they don't eat for 15 minutes skript

    I need a skript that will kill the player if they do not eat for over 15 minutes