Hey there,
I am looking for some help with my skript for cooldowns.
Basicially, when it sends the action bar, it counts up to 10 (e.x. 1... 2... 3..) but instead it should be counting down to 0 from 10 (e.x. 10... 5... 2... 1...). Also, it counts in hundredths decimal places instead of just a whole number. Basicially instead of 2.11, I want just 2.
Any help is extremely appreciated,
I am looking for some help with my skript for cooldowns.
on right click:
if player is holding gold ingot:
set {_c} to difference between {cd::%player's uuid%} and now
{_c} < 10 seconds:
send "&cWait %{_c}% seconds before using again" to player
cancel event
shoot arrow at speed 1
Basicially, when it sends the action bar, it counts up to 10 (e.x. 1... 2... 3..) but instead it should be counting down to 0 from 10 (e.x. 10... 5... 2... 1...). Also, it counts in hundredths decimal places instead of just a whole number. Basicially instead of 2.11, I want just 2.
Any help is extremely appreciated,