SK - Phones

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Jul 18, 2023
Hi there! I don't know how to continue this skript farther. Here is my idea: I'm trying to make a phone skript for an RP thing, and I want it so when the player accepts the call with an accept command, which I also need help with, they will be able to chat with the player. I'm thinking of using just normal chat for 2 players to talk back and forth. Plus, a hang up command that both players can function. If y'all could help, that'd be great :emoji_grinning:
It'd be a challenge for the supporters out there.
Here is my code:
on join:
    set {chatter::%player's uuid%} to false
    set {chatterman::%player's uuid%} to false
on chat:
    if {chatter::%player's uuid%} is true
    set {chatters::%player's uuid%} to message
    if {chatters::%player's uuid%} is a player:
        if {chatters::%player's uuid%} is online:
            send "&aCalling player..." to player
            set {chatter::%player's uuid%} to false
            send "&b%player% &ais calling you! Type &b/acceptcall &ato accept it! &6&l[60 SECONDS]" to {chatters::%player's uuid%}
            set {chatterman::%{chatters::%player's uuid%}%} to true

Of course it's not ALL of my code, but I just need to continue it but I can't figure out how.
Uhh for one thing I would absolutely not use variables for this. ESPECIALLY if you're setting them on join. You're gonna end up deleting your server with variables. You should make a call command, an accept command, a reject command, and a hang up command. It's a good place to start while you figure out the logic for how to do the private chat room.
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0-0 I just have no idea how to do this. I'd use the DerePhone Skript on spigot, but spigot isn't working for me.