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  1. B

    GUI's and more with Skript? Help Please.

    Hello I would like to know if somebody can help me out... all I need is a simple shop GUI (that can be customizable) and a thing where I can pick up a block with right clicking (that also has a GUI I can pick up with) the reason I need to pickup certain blocks like that is because I have a gen...
  2. NeonFox__


    Hello! I'm making a granting ranks GUI and I am not too sure how to make a confirmation page. So like when you click a rank it shows a red or green button to confirm. here is a part of the code: command /SetRank1 [<offline player>]: aliases: /SR1 , /sk1 permission: system.rank...
  3. E

    Finishing commands with a GUI.

    Hi! I was wondering how you can finish off a command by using a GUI. For instance, /rank Example_123, then a rank GUI comes up. I use skQuery & TuSKe.
  4. Jakaboii

    Script PunishmentGUI 2.8 HOTFIX

    PunishmentGUI PunishmentGUI is an easy-to-use & easy-to-configure skript made specifically for Litebans (but will work for other plugins) that makes punishing your players 10x easier! It has been tested on 1.8.9, 1.12.2 & 1.13.2 but that doesn't mean those are the only supported versions! To...
  5. NeonFox__

    Rank Grant Gui Confirmation Help

    command /grant [<offline player>]: aliases: /rank permission: system.rank permission message: &6&lu want owner? &cNO trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&e/rank <player> &7- Give users ranks &e[&dStaff&7:&dDonator&7:&dYT&e]" send "&e/grant <player>...
  6. I

    Gui with Sign

    Hi there! so i would like to make a GUI shell if u could call it that around groupmanager and I was thinking about nameing groups with a sign GUI like storing the input you typed on a line. I tryied to read the installed the plugins but...
  7. NeonFox__

    Help! Punishment gui

    Yo! Could anyone please give me a skript for a punishment gui! If so tysm! My discord is ugly scp tato#3884 God bless
  8. X

    Addon Tuske NOT WORKING

    I have an addon called Tuske if i try to make a GUI i get this: [ERROR] #!#! [ERROR] #!#! [Skript] Severe Error: [ERROR] #!#! [ERROR] #!#! Something went horribly wrong with Skript. [ERROR] #!#! This issue is NOT your fault! You probably can't fix it yourself, either. [ERROR] #!#! It looks like...
  9. jeelzzz

    Solved Functions in GUIs using TuSKE

    I'm trying to make a shop gui, but it does not load the item in the gui because it does not return a value. My gui code: command /h: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with 6 rows named "&bShop" to player format gui slot 22 of player with steak named "&6Steak" with lore...
  10. N

    Help me with Guis, putting a new item to the next available slot

    There is not much more to say right here, because the thing I want to make is an apply script, so that you can do /apply to get a book and quill, I have already done that, but here is the tricky part, how I can type /sendapply, and it will send the book and quill to a GUI for admins or players...

    Solved GUI shift right click (using TuSke)

    Hello i need a little Help on inventory click: if clicked type is shift right mouse button: send "work" why is my code dont work can anyone make a Example Code help me!!
  12. M

    Script PunishmentGUI 0.1

    PunishmentGUI PunishmentGUI is a script that allows you to punish rule-breakers with a simple GUI! Commands: /punishments <player> /punish <player> Configuration: Everything is configurable! You can configure texts and effects! Dependencies: Skript 2.4-beta5 TuSKe 1.8.2 A plugin that can...
  13. Jazzkuh

    [1.12.2] Book Mails

    Category: Mail Suggested name: Bookmail Spigot/Skript Version: 1.12.2, skript 2.2-dev33 What I want: I would like to have a skript that uses books in wich you can write some text and you can send it to another player. How it works: You can use the command /sendmail [player]: that opens a book...
  14. dreike

    Solved TuSKe GUI with SkStuff NBT. This repeats itself 10 times.
  15. dreike

    Solved Hypixel Skyblock Collection Skript (Error)

    So, I'm remaking the Hypixel Skyblock Collection but for rankup. And sometimes, when I try to open the wheat collection, the Wheat is not there. :/ > Code: > Print: (When it works) (when it doesnt)
  16. Hakuyamu

    SkQuery GUI formating problem

    Hello! This is my code i am using for creating a GUI: command /hystery: trigger: open chest with 5 rows named "&b[&fHystery GUI&b]" to player wait 2 ticks format slot 0 of player with {gui.slot0} named "" to run [execute player command "/givehead 1"] format...
  17. A

    Solved Problem with GUI lores.

    Hello everybody I am doing my own skript for Lottery game but when I do it with the GUI I came across a problem.. My skript has load for 3k ms for some reason.. only when I have gui with lore . When I remove the lore everything become normal and I have no idea why is like that here is the code ...
  18. N

    Solved can't make player execute command ""

    hello, I made a gui script, to open the chast it can, but inside it is nothing, how can the way to fill the chast and the block in the chast can be clicked to make the player execute the command ??? server Version : 1.14 skript version : Skript2.4-alpha3 Sorry for bed engglis :) Here is the...
  19. M

    gui click event won't work

    format gui slot 0 of player with black glass named "&c&lEpic test item" to run console command "buyitem black glass %player% black glass" using left mouse button when i open the gui it won't execute any command and i can just take it out i use TuSke for GUIs
  20. C

    Solved GUI ban skript not running commands

    i've been making a gui ban skript or my server for a few hours and i can't get it to run commands anymore it worked fine before but it just stopped working for some reason i am using skript 1.14 thanks for any help here is the skript command /punish <offline player>: permission: sc.punish...