Solved Command List Scenarios(Text)

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New Member
Feb 27, 2019
Category: UHC

Spigot/Skript Version: PaperSpigot 1.8.8-R0.1-Snapshot, Skript: 2.2 dev 36

What I want:
Ok so, I run a server and host games frequently but players keep wanting to know what game modes the game is each time (different all the time).

I need something where I do /scenadd <scen1> <scen2> <scen3> etc.. (or individually)

Then players can do /scens or /scenarios to view all the scenarios as text popping up in chat or as a GUI.

Example: /scenadd Cutclean

(If GUI) A iron ingot appears with a description of cutclean being “Ores are smelted on mine and animals drop cooked food on death.”

(If test) Just text saying “Ores are smelted on mine and animals drop cooked food on death.” appears.

If this example was added in with the thing I wanted, that would be amazing as then I can add my own things with that example to go off. Not sure how it would work though.

Perhaps a individual thing would be better where it is /scenadd name description (then this can be done many times)

And then a /scenreset command for when we have different scenarios.


When I'd like it by: A week or two.
Please dm me what the scenarios are so i can help
[doublepost=1579613785,1579612946][/doublepost]Here is a template:

command /scenadd [<text>]:
  permission: scen.admin
  permission message: "&eNo Perms!"
    if {scen::*} contains arg-1:
      send "&eThis scenario is already added!" to player
      add arg-1 to {scen::*}
      send "&eScenario has been added"

command /scenreset:
  permission: scen.admin
  permission message: "&eNo Perms!"
    clear {scen::*}
    send "&eScenarios Have been reset!"
command /scenarios:
  aliases: /scens
    send "&b&lScens:"
    send "&e---------------" #edit the amount of --- idk how much to put
    loop {scen::*}:
      if "%loop-value%" is "CutClean":
        send "&fCutClean:"
        send "&fOres are smelted on mine and animals drop cooked food on death"
        send "&e----------"
      else if "%loop-value%" is "Timber":
        send "&fTimber:"
        send "&fTrees break instantly when chopped."
        send "&e------------"
      else if "%loop-value%" is "Hastey Boys":
        send "&fHastey Boys:"
        send "&fAll tools are efficiency 3"
        send "&e----------------"
Last edited:
Just what I needed! Thanks! Oh and for the other scenarios it was just Timber: Trees break instantly when chopped. and Hastey Boys: All tools are efficiency 3. But could you add a way where it begins with saying "Scenarios:" then maybe a ----------------------- after each scenarios description? If not, thanks this works perfectly.
command /scenadd [<text>]:
  permission: scen.admin
  permission message: "&eNo Perms!"
    if {scen::*} contains arg-1:
      send "&eThis scenario is already added!" to player
      add arg-1 to {scen::*}
      send "&eScenario has been added"

command /scenreset:
  permission: scen.admin
  permission message: "&eNo Perms!"
    clear {scen::*}
    send "&eScenarios Have been reset!"
command /scenarios:
  aliases: /scens
    send "&b&lScens:"
    send "&e---------------" #edit the amount of --- idk how much to put
    loop {scen::*}:
      if "%loop-value%" is "CutClean":
        send "&fCutClean:"
        send "&fOres are smelted on mine and animals drop cooked food on death"
        send "&e----------"
      else if "%loop-value%" is "Timber":
        send "&fTimber:"
        send "&fTrees break instantly when chopped."
        send "&e------------"
      else if "%loop-value%" is "Hastey Boys":
        send "&fHastey Boys:"
        send "&fAll tools are efficiency 3"
        send "&e----------------"

Please change the amount of dashes because idk how much to put