if {rank.%uuid of arg-1%} == 0:
format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &cNo", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing
else if {rank.%uuid of arg-1%} >= 1:
format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &aYes", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing
Does anyone know how to fix this? it errors at
format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &cNo", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing
[doublepost=1577542855,1577542481][/doublepost]i figured it out i forgot it was to be unstealable instead of to do nothing. The error reporting for skQuery sucks though.