wheat item named "[Wheat]" is not a types.recipe

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New Member
May 9, 2019
if {rank.%uuid of arg-1%} == 0:
            format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &cNo", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing
        else if {rank.%uuid of arg-1%} >= 1:
            format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &aYes", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing


Does anyone know how to fix this? it errors at
format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &cNo", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing
and I have no idea why. I use skQuery for UIs.
[doublepost=1577542855,1577542481][/doublepost]i figured it out i forgot it was to be unstealable instead of to do nothing. The error reporting for skQuery sucks though.
oh, glad you figured it out.
[doublepost=1577543047,1577542896][/doublepost]Also I recommend using TuSKe instead of SkQuery for GUIs, the error reporting system is easy to read and is very helpful, and it is similar to SkQuery so you wouldn't have to spend too much time re-learning GUIs.
oh, glad you figured it out.
[doublepost=1577543047,1577542896][/doublepost]Also I recommend using TuSKe instead of SkQuery for GUIs, the error reporting system is easy to read and is very helpful, and it is similar to SkQuery so you wouldn't have to spend too much time re-learning GUIs.

yes I know but i've written all my GUIs in skQuery now and I don't want to make it all again because the error reporting system of skQuery is bad.
That's understandable if you don't wanna switch, but TuSKe is always gonna be more efficient imo. You can make page systems so easily with it, you don't have to copy and paste the whole gui every time you change the page. Anyways, I'm not forcing you to switch. I ain't gonna be like the person that kept trying to get me into anime.
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if {rank.%uuid of arg-1%} == 0:
            format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &cNo", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing
        else if {rank.%uuid of arg-1%} >= 1:
            format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &aYes", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing


Does anyone know how to fix this? it errors at
format slot 10 of arg-1 with wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]" with lore "&fUnlocked: &cNo", "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!", "&f• use /colorchat", "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%" to do nothing
and I have no idea why. I use skQuery for UIs.
[doublepost=1577542855,1577542481][/doublepost]i figured it out i forgot it was to be unstealable instead of to do nothing. The error reporting for skQuery sucks though.
I think that this will work:

command /thecommand [<offline player>]:
        arg 1 is set
        open chest inventory with 5 rows named "ColorChat" to player
        set {_wheat} to wheat named "&8[&eWheat&8]"
        if {rank.%uuid of arg 1%} == 0:
            set line 1 of lore of {_wheat} to "&fUnlocked:&c No"
        else if {rank.%uuid of arg 1%} >= 1:
            set line 1 of lore of {_wheat} to "&fUnlocked: &aYes"
        set line 2 of lore of {_wheat} to "&f• Makes you able to talk in color!"
        set line 3 of lore of {_wheat} to "&f• use /colorchat"
        set line 4 of lore of {_wheat} to "&2Cost: %{ranks.price.wheat}%"
        set slot 10 of player's current inventory to {_wheat}
on inventory click:
    clicked inventory isn't player's inventory
    if inventory name player's current inventory is "ColorChat":
        clicked slot = 10:
            player command "/colorchat"
            close player's inventory

This method it totally vanilla. And i dont know if this will work because i didnt tested.

EDIT: Yes, yes. Is a pain of ass this method and will add more codes line .
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