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  1. MrBenjaroo

    PlaceholderAPI with WorldGuard

    So, I am trying to make a certain command with skript in WorldGuard. If the flag is allowed, deny it. If the flag is denied, allow it. It is a quick way to swap values over, as WorldGuard doesn't have a toggle feature. This is my buggy code: command /toggleflag <text>: permission...
  2. RedZekoCh

    Users cant place block

    Hello,I am working on a BoxPvP server, I have a big problem. The users on my server can't post blocks and I don't understand why! I have set the worldguard block-place flags, I have it set to "allow" and the users still do not place blocks. I also have the conditional events so that when they...
  3. E

    Help with worldguard region creating command

    Yes I'm using these addons yes And this is my script But it cause error How can I fix it (sorry for bad english)
  4. N

    Script WorldGuard Addon Script for Servers 2.0

    A Simple Addon For Worldguard Commands: /setgens: Perm: skript.setgens Desc: allows block breaking, pvp, and no block placing Usage: /setgens <region> /buildpvpregion: Aliases: /buildpvprg Perm: skript.buildpvprg Desc: allows building, and pvp with no block breaking Usage: /buildpvprg <region>...
  5. JarBinks

    Help with making custom mobs spawn naturally.

    hi I need help making a skript for my server where in a certain world guard region it randomly spawn custom mobs.
  6. B

    How to allow pvp only one person by command in worldguard protected area

    Hy! Could somebody help me write a scricpt which allows pvp only for one person who use command in a worldguard protected area
  7. 2

    AFK-Rewards on certain WorldGuard region

    Category: Skript Suggested name: AFK-Rewards Spigot/Skript Version: Skript 2.6.4 - Spigot 1.13.2 What I want: Something that when you stay at a worldguard region called "afk" for 30minutes it will make the console execute command /example <player> and if you quit during the 30minutes, the...
  8. 2

    AFK-Rewards on certain WorldGuard region

    Category: Skript Suggested name: AFK-Rewards Spigot/Skript Version: Skript 2.6.4 - Spigot 1.13.2 What I want: Something that when you stay at a worldguard region called "afk" for 30minutes it will make the console execute command /example <player> and if you quit during the 30minutes, the...
  9. S

    Solved Worldguard Problems

    So, this is my last hope. Maybe I am too stupid, but I can't check my region. Every time I check my region, it doesn't work. I tried to check the variable with 'send "%region at player%"' but every time I do this, I get <none>. on region enter: send "%region at player%" if "%region at...
  10. S

    Is it Possible? WorldGuard

    Is it possible to remove "in world world" text after a region name? rn i'm using %region at player%, i tried with replace etc any help?
  11. T

    Land SK

    Hello friends, I need the following help: I need a land skript, where players can buy lands of different sizes, for example: /land buy 25 25 If possible, that the sk check if there is any terrain within the distance that the player placed. If there is, let him not allow the purchase and if...
  12. B

    region enter script

    hi, so im new to skript and was wondering on enter region: send "Welcome to %region%!" to player how do i get it to not say in world "world", i want it to just say Welcome to spawn, or Welcome to forest

    getter for WorldGuard flags - Via Skript-reflect

    Mc Version : git-Purpur-1613 (MC: 1.18.2) Skript ver: 2.6.1 hello I have a problem with this code, no matter what I do it still gives me the same error, I would like to make a snipset out of it but at the moment I can't move on either way, what exactly is it supposed to do? Returning a flag...
  14. Y

    How to allow player place certain block in worldguard area.

    Hi guys I would like to allow players to place some blocks in the protection area, but I can't use a flag in worldguard because it doesn't have a specific block place flag there. So I decided to set allow-place: allow in worldguard area and write a script as follow: on place: if "%region at...
  15. CVRS3D

    Help with text argument dependent command

    I'm trying to create a Skript that can create worldguard regions based on a text argument and then run a number of commands sent from the player that adds region flags to the region specified in argument 1. It would work something like /wg automate RegionName Preset where RegionName is input...
  16. S

    PvP in a certain region

    I wish to make the player run /pvp if their pvp status is set to "yes" (so their pvp is enabled after getting disabled by PvP manager). My code doesn't give any errors. The version is minecraft 1.18.1. The region is called arena and is already marked out by worldguard with pvp on. When I do...
  17. P

    Does anyone know how I VERIFY A REGION?

    ``` if arg-1 is "delete" or "dell" or "remove": if arg-2 is "%arg-2%": if "%region at player%" contains "%arg-2%": send "[region info]" sharpsk delete region "%arg-2%" in world "world" ``` Erro: if "%region%" contains...
  18. S

    World Edit Protection

    Hey i am wondering how I would go about making this fairly simple script Firstly when a player places a gold block. a world edit region is placed in the area. Lets say this region is 10 by 10. if a region already exists in the area the player gets an error. And two simple commands to add and...
  19. T

    Create worldguard region.

    MY script: on place of gold block: loop blocksInCube(event-location): if loop-block is yellow terracotta: cancel event message "&cСлишком близко к другой базе!" to player set {_cancel.rg.create} to true if {_cancel.rg.create} is not set...
  20. L

    How check player region

    Hi, I need help. I have a script that, when clicked on a portal, removes it. How can I make sure that the first check is whether this region is available to the player?