AFK-Rewards on certain WorldGuard region

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Nov 4, 2022
Category: Skript

Suggested name: AFK-Rewards

Spigot/Skript Version: Skript 2.6.4 - Spigot 1.13.2

What I want:
Something that when you stay at a worldguard region called "afk" for 30minutes it will make the console execute command /example <player> and if you quit during the 30minutes, the timer will be reseted. and also when the reward is given the timer resets too, there's a action bar as well that shows how much time is left to get the next reward, Thanks.

Ideas for commands: /resettimer <player> which resets the timer of the time the selected player has been on the worldguard region

Ideas for permissions: command.resettimer for /resettimer

When I'd like it by: As soon as possible