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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. trixzymc


    Suggested name: UTILITY SKRIPT | CENTER TEXT Spigot/Skript Version: 1.21.3 --> skript-2.9.5 What I want: A utility function for my server, that center's any text given Idea: Ideas for commands: N/A Ideas for permissions: N/A When I'd like it by: Today
  2. trixzymc

    Solved [REQUEST] --> Centering Text Utility Skript!

    I'm having a difficult time creating this on my own. I want it to some what look like this, yet the free thing this is, is in java. I need a skript.
  3. lolib

    Solved team selection menu

    When player chooses a team Let the player's name appear in the information section how can i do
  4. Logy

    Minecraft Team System

    Hey there! I am making an event and I need help setting up a simple command called /teamassign where you can assign players to a team, the command should look something like this: "/team assign <team> <player>" and then it broadcasts something like "(Player) has joined team (team name)". The...
  5. forfr

    need an auction house skript

    money var: {money::%player's uuid%} would love if it came with a sorting system :)
  6. S

    Request - Looking for a Completed Random Item Skript!

    Skript Name: Randomizer Hello, I'm in search of someone who will create an organized skript that has some specifics needed. The general idea is: Players can toggle on/off a command (/random) if they are in the specified world, to receive a random block/item from a selected list of items all...
  7. F

    Request - Death Packages Skript

    I am on Paper Velocity 1.18.2. I also am on Skript 2.8.3, with some addons such as SkQuery (V4.1.10), and SkBee (V3.2.1) I would like the skript to make it so whenever a person dies, it drops a chest and when you right click with all their loot that they died with gets put in your inventory. I...
  8. Tewahh

    Custom Enchants Request & Help

    command /ce: aliases: /customenchants, /customenchant, /enchants trigger: set {_item} to gray stained glass pane set {_enchantmentsList} to book named "&eList Of All The Enchants" set line 1 of lore of {_enchantmentsList} to "" set {_commonEnchant} to book...
  9. Epo___

    Wither Impact ability

    So I'm looking for code that makes a wooden shovel teleport you forwards 10 blocks, whilst making an explosion that only damages other players, not the person who executes it. (Right click ability) I know the basics of it, but I can't figure out the rest. When I'd like it by: Within a week of...
  10. C

    Homes GUI (Request) (Advanced Skripters Only)

    Category: Homes Gui Suggested name: VirtualHomes What I want: I want a homes gui that would open up a gui like the picture provided, and when you click on one of the dyes itll create a home that you can teleport to on right click, and rename on right click. And also with a delete home gui...
  11. H

    RTP Skript

    I am requesting an RTP script that will teleport you randomly to the world "world" even if you are in another world, (My spawn is in the world "spawn"). I would also like it to take 5 seconds before you teleport while if you move or get damaged during that time it will cancel, I would also like...
  12. X

    Can anyone skript me a donut smp spawner skript

    I recently learnt how to skript like 1month ago i understand it but this is still way to hard for if u think u can help hit me up either post the code here or add me on discord :D ClippedByVull#7693
  13. D

    Packet cooldown function

    Packet cooldown function I very much did try to make this on my own but could not figure it out, so I decided to reach out to you folks What I want: I just want a function that uses skript-packet's packet system and use "set cooldown" packet to execute a overlay on any item like...
  14. P

    Reqn Discord Webhook <none> Variable

    I used reqn addon and tried to do a new project with the involvement of discord webhooks. command /post:test: trigger: set {_custom} to "something" wait a second send a "post" request to "" with the body "content=Test this var...
  15. C

    When You break...

    I need a skript. Whenm you break cobweb with water drops get cleared
  16. S

    Request PVP Toggle

    I've seen a few pvp toggle skripts for admins to turn it on and off for all players. But I've been trying to find one which individual players can toggle it on off for themselves, does anyone have a skript for this or if its not to much trouble to make one?
  17. G


    Hi everyone! Im want to make a point leaderboard. I dont know how to do that, Maybe you know, so please if you can, make it! Thanks! My points var: {%player%.points}
  18. G

    Solved Please help me with this! I need it!

    Hey! Im making a clicker type server, where if you kill mobs, you get multi. Here comes the part that i need you to code. I want to make like gens wich you place down, it will start spawning mobs. Many thanks if you can make it!
  19. G

    Can someone skript this for me? Please

    Im making a pvp game, where you can buy cobwebs. And you place it down, i want to remove it after 20 seconds so its not staying there forever. Its block block decay. Can someone do it?
  20. N

    I need The Skript that limit each player to place all type of concrete at once with permissions

    I Need The Skript that limit each player to place all type of concrete at once with permissions and all of the concretes in one permission example: concretes.limit.The Limit Number also something in scoreboard that show how much concrete player can place like 0/10 on scoreboard and if player...