I need The Skript that limit each player to place all type of concrete at once with permissions

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May 14, 2021
I Need The Skript that limit each player to place all type of concrete at once with permissions and all of the concretes in one permission

example: concretes.limit.The Limit Number

also something in scoreboard that show how much concrete player can place like 0/10 on scoreboard and if player place a concrete the score change to 1/10

if you can help me with it pls do it thanks.
I'm sure there is a better way but with this you have to give the player multiple permissions, e.g. you want a limit of 5 then the player needs:
concretes.limit.1 concretes.limit.2 concretes.limit.3 concretes.limit.4 concretes.limit.5

on place of any concrete:
  if {concretelimit::%player's uuid%} is not set:
    set {concretelimit::%player's uuid%} to 0
  if player has permission "concretes.limit.%{concretelimit::%player's uuid%}%":
    add 1 to {concretelimit::%player's uuid%}
    cancel event