Homes GUI (Request) (Advanced Skripters Only)

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May 3, 2021
Category: Homes Gui

Suggested name: VirtualHomes

What I want:

I want a homes gui that would open up a gui like the picture provided, and when you click on one of the dyes itll create a home that you can teleport to on right click, and rename on right click. And also with a delete home gui.

Ideas for commands: /homes, /sethome






Ideas for permissions: None

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time

I know its kinda hard to do so take your time
I give up. Too hard, just go with a plugin if thats what you currently have.

If you would prefer a skript I would suggest reposting this thread and putting in the title "ADVANCED SKRIPTERS ONLY"
Just to let you know. This post no longer falls under the Unanswered category, I would suggest reposting it entirely so it does.
(Posts in the unanswered category are answered more often)
Here I made a smaller version of it. feel free to do any modifications. I made it like a while ago.

    gui: &8&lHomes GUI
    nohome: &c&lHome %{_home}% &chas not been set.
    nohomeGUI: &c&lHome %{_home}% &chas not been set
    noperm: &4Error: &cYou don't have permission.

on inventory click:
    if name of event-inventory contains "Confirm remove":
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 12:
            play sound "UI_BUTTON_CLICK" to player
            clear {home.%{home.number::%player's uuid%}%::%player's uuid%}
            send "&c&lHome %{home.number::%player's uuid%}% &chas been removed." to player
            make player execute command "/home"
        if index of event-slot is 14:
            play sound "UI_BUTTON_CLICK" to player
            make player execute command "/home"
    if name of event-inventory is "{@gui}":
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 22:
            play sound "UI_BUTTON_CLICK" to player
            close player's inventory
        if index of event-slot is between 0 and 8:
            play sound "UI_BUTTON_CLICK" to player
            close player's inventory
        if index of event-slot is between 9 and 17:
            play sound "UI_BUTTON_CLICK" to player
#                                        Set Home Icon
        set {_home} to 1
        set {_slot.bed} to 2
        set {_slot.opt} to 11
        clear {home.number::%player's uuid%}
        if index of event-slot is {_slot.opt}:
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is not set:
                    set {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} to location of player
                    set slot {_slot.opt} of event-inventory to lime dye named "&cClick to remove"
                    set slot {_slot.bed} of event-inventory to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    send "&a&lHome %{_home}% &ahas been set at current location." to player
                    set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&eConfirm remove &lHome %{_home}%?"
                    set slot 4 of {_gui} to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    set slot 12 of {_gui} to lime dye named "&aConfirm"
                    set slot 14 of {_gui} to red dye named "&cCancel"
                    set {home.number::%player's uuid%} to {_home}
                    open {_gui} to player
                close player's inventory
                send "{@noperm}" to player
        add 1 to {_slot.opt} and {_slot.bed} and {_home}
        if index of event-slot is {_slot.opt}:
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is not set:
                    set {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} to location of player
                    set slot {_slot.opt} of event-inventory to lime dye named "&cClick to remove"
                    set slot {_slot.bed} of event-inventory to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    send "&a&lHome %{_home}% &ahas been set at current location." to player
                    set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&eConfirm remove Home %{_home}%?"
                    set slot 4 of {_gui} to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    set slot 12 of {_gui} to lime dye named "&aConfirm"
                    set slot 14 of {_gui} to red dye named "&cCancel"
                    set {home.number::%player's uuid%} to {_home}
                    open {_gui} to player
                close player's inventory
                send "{@noperm}" to player
        add 1 to {_slot.opt} and {_slot.bed} and {_home}
        if index of event-slot is {_slot.opt}:
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is not set:
                    set {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} to location of player
                    set slot {_slot.opt} of event-inventory to lime dye named "&cClick to remove"
                    set slot {_slot.bed} of event-inventory to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    send "&a&lHome %{_home}% &ahas been set at current location." to player
                    set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&eConfirm remove Home %{_home}%?"
                    set slot 4 of {_gui} to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    set slot 12 of {_gui} to lime dye named "&aConfirm"
                    set slot 14 of {_gui} to red dye named "&cCancel"
                    set {home.number::%player's uuid%} to {_home}
                    open {_gui} to player
                close player's inventory
                send "{@noperm}" to player
        add 1 to {_slot.opt} and {_slot.bed} and {_home}
        if index of event-slot is {_slot.opt}:
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is not set:
                    set {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} to location of player
                    set slot {_slot.opt} of event-inventory to lime dye named "&cClick to remove"
                    set slot {_slot.bed} of event-inventory to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    send "&a&lHome %{_home}% &ahas been set at current location." to player
                    set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&eConfirm remove Home %{_home}%?"
                    set slot 4 of {_gui} to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    set slot 12 of {_gui} to lime dye named "&aConfirm"
                    set slot 14 of {_gui} to red dye named "&cCancel"
                    set {home.number::%player's uuid%} to {_home}
                    open {_gui} to player
                close player's inventory
                send "{@noperm}" to player
        add 1 to {_slot.opt} and {_slot.bed} and {_home}
        if index of event-slot is {_slot.opt}:
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is not set:
                    set {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} to location of player
                    set slot {_slot.opt} of event-inventory to lime dye named "&cClick to remove"
                    set slot {_slot.bed} of event-inventory to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    send "&a&lHome %{_home}% &ahas been set at current location." to player
                    set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&eConfirm remove Home %{_home}%?"
                    set slot 4 of {_gui} to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    set slot 12 of {_gui} to lime dye named "&aConfirm"
                    set slot 14 of {_gui} to red dye named "&cCancel"
                    set {home.number::%player's uuid%} to {_home}
                    open {_gui} to player
                close player's inventory
                send "{@noperm}" to player
#                                        Home Bed Icon
        #Home 1
        set {_slot.bed} to 2
        set {_home} to 1
        if index of event-slot is {_slot.bed}:
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is set:
                    set {_x} to location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate, player's z-coordinate, player's world)
                    loop 5 times:
                        set {_check} to location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate, player's z-coordinate, player's world)
                        set {_num} to loop-number
                        if {_check} is not {_x}:
                            send action bar "&cTeleportation cancelled" to player
                            #send "&cTeleportation cancelled." to player
                            play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND" to player
                            send action bar "&aTeleporting in %6-{_num}% seconds" to player
                            #send "&aTeleporting in %6-{_num}% second. Do not move." to player
                            play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING" with pitch 10 to player
                        wait a second
                    send action bar "&aTeleported to &a&l&a&lHome %{_home}%" to player
                    #send "&aTeleported to Home #%{_home}%." to player
                    teleport player to {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%}
                    wait a tick
                    play sound "ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" with pitch 0.5 to player
                    apply blindness 2 without particles to the player for 1 second
                    send "{@nohome}" to player
                send "{@noperm}" to player
        add 1 to {_slot.bed} and {_home}
        #Home 2
        if index of event-slot is {_slot.bed}:
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is set:
                    set {_x} to location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate, player's z-coordinate, player's world)
                    loop 5 times:
                        set {_check} to location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate, player's z-coordinate, player's world)
                        set {_num} to loop-number
                        if {_check} is not {_x}:
                            send action bar "&cTeleportation cancelled" to player
                            send "&cTeleportation cancelled." to player
                            play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND" to player
                            send action bar "&aTeleporting in %6-{_num}% second" to player
                            #send "&aTeleporting in %6-{_num}% second. Do not move." to player
                            play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING" to player
                        wait a second
                    send action bar "&aTeleported to &a&lHome %{_home}%" to player
                    #send "&aTeleported to Home #%{_home}%." to player
                    teleport player to {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%}
                    wait a tick
                    play sound "ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" with pitch 0.5 to player
                    send "{@nohome}" to player
                send "{@noperm}" to player
        add 1 to {_slot.bed} and {_home}
        #Home 3
        if index of event-slot is {_slot.bed}:
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is set:
                    set {_x} to location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate, player's z-coordinate, player's world)
                    loop 5 times:
                        set {_check} to location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate, player's z-coordinate, player's world)
                        set {_num} to loop-number
                        if {_check} is not {_x}:
                            send action bar "&cTeleportation cancelled" to player
                            send "&cTeleportation cancelled." to player
                            play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE" to player
                            send action bar "&aTeleporting in %6-{_num}% second" to player
                            #send "&aTeleporting in %6-{_num}% second. Do not move." to player
                            play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING" to player
                        wait a second
                    send action bar "&aTeleported to &a&lHome %{_home}%" to player
                    #send "&aTeleported to Home #%{_home}%." to player
                    teleport player to {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%}
                    wait a tick
                    play sound "ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" with pitch 0.5 to player
                    send "{@nohome}" to player
                send "{@noperm}" to player
        add 1 to {_slot.bed} and {_home}
        #Home 4
        if index of event-slot is {_slot.bed}:
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is set:
                    set {_x} to location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate, player's z-coordinate, player's world)
                    loop 5 times:
                        set {_check} to location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate, player's z-coordinate, player's world)
                        set {_num} to loop-number
                        if {_check} is not {_x}:
                            send action bar "&cTeleportation cancelled" to player
                            send "&cTeleportation cancelled." to player
                            play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE" to player
                            send action bar "&aTeleporting in %6-{_num}% second" to player
                            #send "&aTeleporting in %6-{_num}% second. Do not move." to player
                            play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING" to player
                        wait a second
                    send action bar "&aTeleported to &a&lHome %{_home}%" to player
                    #send "&aTeleported to Home #%{_home}%." to player
                    teleport player to {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%}
                    wait a tick
                    play sound "ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" with pitch 0.5 to player
                    send "{@nohome}" to player
                send "{@noperm}" to player
        add 1 to {_slot.bed} and {_home}
        #Home 5
        if index of event-slot is {_slot.bed}:
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is set:
                    set {_x} to location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate, player's z-coordinate, player's world)
                    loop 5 times:
                        set {_check} to location(player's x-coordinate, player's y-coordinate, player's z-coordinate, player's world)
                        set {_num} to loop-number
                        if {_check} is not {_x}:
                            send action bar "&cTeleportation cancelled" to player
                            send "&cTeleportation cancelled." to player
                            play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE" to player
                            send action bar "&aTeleporting in %6-{_num}% second" to player
                            #send "&aTeleporting in %6-{_num}% second. Do not move." to player
                            play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING" to player
                        wait a second
                    send action bar "&aTeleported to &a&lHome %{_home}%" to player
                    #send "&aTeleported to Home #%{_home}%." to player
                    teleport player to {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%}
                    wait a tick
                    play sound "ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" with pitch 0.5 to player
                    send "{@nohome}" to player
                send "{@noperm}" to player
#                                            Commands
command /home:
    description: Show homes GUI.
    executable by: player
    usage: &4Usage: &c/home
        set {_gui} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "{@gui}"
        loop 5 times:
            set {_home} to loop-number
            set {confirm.%player's uuid%.%{_home}%} to false
            if player has permission "offline.home.%{_home}%":
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is not set:
                    set slot {_home}+1 of {_gui} to light gray bed named "{@nohomeGUI}"
                    set slot {_home}+10 of {_gui} to gray dye named "&aClick to set"
                    set {_x} to {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%}'s x-coordinate
                    set {_y} to {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%}'s y-coordinate
                    set {_z} to {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%}'s z-coordinate
                    set slot {_home}+1 of {_gui} to red bed named "&a&lHome %{_home}%"
                    set slot {_home}+10 of {_gui} to lime dye named "&cClick to remove"
                if {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%} is not set:
                    set slot {_home}+1 of {_gui} to light gray bed named "{@nohomeGUI}" with lore "&cNo permission"
                    set slot {_home}+10 of {_gui} to gray dye named "&cNo permission"
                    set slot {_home}+1 of {_gui} to red bed named "&c&lHome %{_home}%" with lore "&cNo permission"
                    set slot {_home}+10 of {_gui} to lime dye named "&cNo permission"
        set slot 22 of {_gui} to nether star with name "&cClose"
        open {_gui} to player

command /delallhome [<player>]:
    permission: op
        if arg-1 is not set:
            loop 5 times:
                add 1 to {_home}
                clear {home.%{_home}%::%player's uuid%}
            clear {_home}
            send "&aYou cleared all of your Homes." to command sender
            loop 5 times:
                add 1 to {_home}
                clear {home.%{_home}%::%arg-1's uuid%}
            clear {_home}
            send "&aYou cleared all of %arg-1% Homes." to command sender
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