RTP Skript

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Jun 18, 2023
I am requesting an RTP script that will teleport you randomly to the world "world" even if you are in another world, (My spawn is in the world "spawn"). I would also like it to take 5 seconds before you teleport while if you move or get damaged during that time it will cancel, I would also like a 120-second cooldown for the RTP script that will not activate if the teleport gets canceled. My spawn script has an example of the delay
        if {spawn} is set:
            send "{@Prefix} Teleporting In 5 Seconds! Don't Move!" to player
            set {_x} to x-coordinate of player
            set {_z} to z-coordinate of player
        loop 5 times:
            send action bar "{@Prefix} Teleporting in %6-loop-value%" to player
            if "%x-coordinate of player% - %z-coordinate of player%" != "%{_x}% - %{_z}%":
                send "{@Prefix} You moved!"
            wait 1 second
        teleport player to {spawn}
Thank you.