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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. T

    On region enter

    Hello, I need a skript that does the following: When entering the region, if the player does not have the permission, region.enter, it will be thrown back, and will not be able to enter
  2. btk5h

    Addon Reqn 1.2.1

    Reqn is an HTTP request library for Skript 2.X. Documentation/Source - Releases Quickstart # Send a get request to a url. The protocol (http or https) is required. send a request to "" # Send a request using a different HTTP method. send a "put" request to...
  3. danielkp1234

    Flying Brooms skript

    Hello i want to make a skript where you can fly on a broom i found a 3d model with a broom it replaces iron horse armor someone help me so i can fly on the broom Category: Flying skript Suggested name: Broom Fly skript What I want: i can fly on a broom (texture pack iron horse armor)...