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  1. H

    Solved Drag and drop

    Category: Custom enchants Suggested name: Drag and drop enchantments Spigot/Skript Version: 2.4-beta7 What I want: Drop an book from player's inventory on to a tool and add the name of the book to the lore of the tool
  2. L

    Solved Problem with lore

    Hello everyone, since I changed the version of my server we have problems with the lore, the lines no longer separate properly ... I know the lines were separating with " "however it no longer works ... Similarly, the syntax [with lore 'line 1', 'line 2'] or [with lore 'line 1' and 'line 2']...
  3. H

    Solved Can't compare 'player's exp level' with an integer

    Hello, I am having a problem with skript. on click: if the 4th line of the lore of the player's tool is "&8Level 3": if player's level is lower or equal to 2: damage player by 5 hearts send "&c&lYou are not high enough level to use this item." to the player...
  4. Parrothead

    Solved Line breaks not working

    Skript: Skript bensku-2.4-beta5 Paper: 1.14.4 Hi, I'm Updating my server from 1.12 to 1.14.4 and all of my lore line separators (e.x. '||' ) are broken. Example below. Using alternatives like '%nl%', '%newline%', and '\n' also give me no results. !give player sword with lore "Lore1||Lore2"...
  5. A

    Solved Lore

    Hello, on earlier versions of minecraft skript it was possible to do give a item with more lines of lore, but in this version: (I don't know, why is not a avabile - image), but in minecraft lore show as Velikonoce 2019 || | ||| asd with code: command /egg: trigger: add 1 egg...
  6. couger44

    Solved Can't use the "set lore..."

    command /lore [<text>]: permission: world.lore permission message: &cNo tienes permisos! trigger: if sender is a player: if arg 1 isn't set: send "&2&lWorld&f&lCraft&7 /lore <texto para el item>" stop if arg 1 is set...
  7. R

    Solved "if lore of player's held item contains" doesn't execute the following code

    So, I am trying to make some custom enchants and I ran into a problem, there is no errors in console, it just doesn't work. I have tried many different things to get it to work but nothing works. Code: every second: loop all players: if lore of loop-player's held item contains...
  8. K

    Problem with custom recipes

    Hello ! I'm trying to make recipes using items cith custom lores with TuSKe (https://github.com/Tuke-Nuke/TuSKe/wiki/Recipe-Manager), but that doesn't seem to be working. Can you help me ? I'm using the last Spigot version with Skript Bensku dev35b and TuSKe 1.8.2. Options: #Copper...
  9. R

    Set dmg to values over 5k

    Hey guys, so updated my server to 1.12 and found out, that "damage victim by {_dmg}" (ofc in on damage event) will set the attacker to "<none>" when the entity is killed. In 1.8 and 1.9 it was OK. If i use "make attacker damage victim by {_dmg}" then the script will infinitely repeat itself ->...
  10. W

    Armor lore not updating

    Hello everyone, i have kind of got an issue with my code not working properly, so i would hope you lads got help me out with this. The thing here is it is supposed to update the lore of "Upgrade progress" but it isnt quite doing it so. When an entity attacks the player with the helmet it is...
  11. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Name/Lore requirements

    I'm trying to code a skript where if someone right clicks a nether star named "&c&lParty Star" with the lore "&5&lRight-Click for a reward". I had this coded but not sure exactly where to go from there: on right click holding nether star: chance of 33%: execute console command...
  12. W

    Questions and Questions (Custom enchants)

    So these are some questions i want some clarification on so here are a few hopefully you can help me. #1. Custom enchants working on everything. I made some lored enchants wich wierdly activate regardless of bieing in the code that it needs to have the lore to activate here is the code i have at...
  13. W

    Solved Lore checking

    Hello i am WiebeHero and i came here with a question. So i am currently working on something with lore and finally got it to work how to set lore but not to check it to Give for example: the player a effect like poison. This is the code i have right now for the format: on damage: if...
  14. T

    Solved Sell item based on lore

    Hi guys, I'm trying to sell an item based on it's lore, yet it doesnt work. I only get error with the sell-all part "%number% %text% is not valid item data" Not sure what it means. Yet first sell script doesnt work, yet no errors. Any ideas why? Thank you. Skript: on right click on player...
  15. T

    Reading lore of player's item

    Skript Version:2.2-dev29 Skript Author: bensku Minecraft Version: 1.12.1 --- Full Code: on right click on player: if name of clicked player is "&a&lTrader":#12 set {_lore::*} to lore of player's tool split by "||" loop {_lore::*}: set {parsed::*} to loop-text...
  16. Selvati

    Solved Drag and drop custom enchantments {lore}

    Okay so I have been making custom lore enchantments, the last piece of this puzzle is to make a skript that allows the player to 'drag and drop' the custom enchantment book over certain items, and it should add a custom lore to the clicked item and remove 1 of the enchantment books from the...
  17. E

    Help pls with Armour and lore

    so i was try to to use lore and put a lore called like flash for example right but i i want it so when the player wears the any boots with &6Flash I to have speed 1 but when they take off the boots with &6Flash I they wont get speed how do i do that cause i tried and i keep getting errors so...
  18. P

    Advanced Lore Help

    So I have tiered items on my server, and Im trying to make a skript to recognize the tier of the item, the problem is the item has other lore too, so when i try this command /exchange: executable by: players trigger: If lore of player's tool contains "&5Nightmare"...