Solved Drag and drop custom enchantments {lore}

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Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
Okay so I have been making custom lore enchantments, the last piece of this puzzle is to make a skript that allows the player to 'drag and drop' the custom enchantment book over certain items, and it should add a custom lore to the clicked item and remove 1 of the enchantment books from the player's inventory.

I use the latest version of Spigot 1.12
I use TuSke, Skript, skRayfall 1.9.7, Skellet, SharpSK, skQueryLime 1.11, SkStuff,Umbaska 3.3, and skUtilities 0.9.0

So I have made this code which outputs no errors at all but it doesn't seem to be working!

on inventory click:
    cursor slot of player is enchanted book named "&fSmelt I":
        event-slot is a wooden_pickaxe:
            cancel the event
            set cursor slot of player to air
            set lore of event-item to "%lore of event-slot%||&fSmelt I"
            send "&aSuccess!" to the player

I posted this on the help forums a while ago but now I want to make it a request because I've lost hope in it...
Any help is a step towards completion, thanks in advance! <3
Here's a snippet of my old code, be warned.. it's a bit glitchy, but hopefully you can fix it.

on inventory click:
    set {_item} to cursor item of player
    if "%clicked item%" is "empty_map":
        if "%name of clicked item%" is "&eSCROLL: &cMana Drain":
            if "%lore of clicked item%" is "||&aTo apply to a &c&nSWORD/AXE&a drag & drop it on an item in your inventory!":
                if "%clicked action%" is "swap with cursor":
                    if {_item} is a sword or axe:
                        if lore of {_item} does not contain "&cMana Drain I":            
                            remove 1 empty map named "&eSCROLL: &cMana Drain" with lore "||&aTo apply to a &c&nSWORD/AXE&a drag & drop it on an item in your inventory!" from player
                            set lore of cursor item of player to "%lore of {_item}%||&cMana Drain I"
                            loop players in radius 10 around player:
                                show 50 "lava" particles at event-location for loop-player
                                play sound "ENTITY_BLAZE_HURT" to loop-player with volume 1 and pitch 2
                            send "&cYour weapon already has that enchantment!"
                        send "&cThat's not a right weapon to apply the enchantment to! Use &a&nSWORD/AXE"

or use this, found this in the help section.

on inventory click:
    if cursor slot of player is enchanted book:
        if name of cursor slot of player is "&fSmelt I":
            if event-item is any pickaxe:
                if lore of event-item doesn't contain "Smelt I":
                    cancel the event
                    set lore of event-item to "%lore of event-item%||&fSmelt I"
                    send "&aSuccess!" to the player
                    set cursor slot of player to air
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Here's a snippet of my old code, be warned.. it's a bit glitchy, but hopefully you can fix it.

on inventory click:
    set {_item} to cursor item of player
    if "%clicked item%" is "empty_map":
        if "%name of clicked item%" is "&eSCROLL: &cMana Drain":
            if "%lore of clicked item%" is "||&aTo apply to a &c&nSWORD/AXE&a drag & drop it on an item in your inventory!":
                if "%clicked action%" is "swap with cursor":
                    if {_item} is a sword or axe:
                        if lore of {_item} does not contain "&cMana Drain I":           
                            remove 1 empty map named "&eSCROLL: &cMana Drain" with lore "||&aTo apply to a &c&nSWORD/AXE&a drag & drop it on an item in your inventory!" from player
                            set lore of cursor item of player to "%lore of {_item}%||&cMana Drain I"
                            loop players in radius 10 around player:
                                show 50 "lava" particles at event-location for loop-player
                                play sound "ENTITY_BLAZE_HURT" to loop-player with volume 1 and pitch 2
                            send "&cYour weapon already has that enchantment!"
                        send "&cThat's not a right weapon to apply the enchantment to! Use &a&nSWORD/AXE"

or use this, found this in the help section.

on inventory click:
    if cursor slot of player is enchanted book:
        if name of cursor slot of player is "&fSmelt I":
            if event-item is any pickaxe:
                if lore of event-item doesn't contain "Smelt I":
                    cancel the event
                    set lore of event-item to "%lore of event-item%||&fSmelt I"
                    send "&aSuccess!" to the player
                    set cursor slot of player to air
That last bit you posted was my coded solution lol xD
[doublepost=1498757005,1498756856][/doublepost]For everyone asking here is my code for dragging and dropping custom enchantments, along with a premade enchantment for you, the possibilities are endless.
# Smelt Enchantment
on mine:
    lore of player's held item contains "Smelt I":
        if event-block is stone:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 stone bricks
        if event-block is cobblestone:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 stone
        if event-block is sand:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 plain_glass_block
        if event-block is iron_ore:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 iron_ingot
        if event-block is gold_ore:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 golden_ingot
        if event-block is log:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 charcoal
        if event-block is cactus:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 cactus green
        if event-block is wet_sponge:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 sponge
        if event-block is netherrack:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 nether_brick_item

# Drag & Drop Enchantments
on mor.inventory click:
    event-item is any pickaxe or shovel or axe
    player's cursor slot is enchanted_book:
        name of player's cursor slot is "&fSmelt I":
            cancel the event
            set lore of event-item to "%lore of event-item%||&fSmelt I"
            wait 2 ticks
            set cursor slot of player to air

For these to work I believe you need Bensku's fork and skMorkaz.
That last bit you posted was my coded solution lol xD
[doublepost=1498757005,1498756856][/doublepost]For everyone asking here is my code for dragging and dropping custom enchantments, along with a premade enchantment for you, the possibilities are endless.
# Smelt Enchantment
on mine:
    lore of player's held item contains "Smelt I":
        if event-block is stone:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 stone bricks
        if event-block is cobblestone:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 stone
        if event-block is sand:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 plain_glass_block
        if event-block is iron_ore:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 iron_ingot
        if event-block is gold_ore:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 golden_ingot
        if event-block is log:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 charcoal
        if event-block is cactus:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 cactus green
        if event-block is wet_sponge:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 sponge
        if event-block is netherrack:
            play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to all players
            cancel the event
            set block to air
            drop 1 nether_brick_item

# Drag & Drop Enchantments
on mor.inventory click:
    event-item is any pickaxe or shovel or axe
    player's cursor slot is enchanted_book:
        name of player's cursor slot is "&fSmelt I":
            cancel the event
            set lore of event-item to "%lore of event-item%||&fSmelt I"
            wait 2 ticks
            set cursor slot of player to air

For these to work I believe you need Bensku's fork and skMorkaz.
Bensku fork already has a cursor slot expression built in