Hi guys, I'm trying to sell an item based on it's lore, yet it doesnt work. I only get error with the sell-all part "%number% %text% is not valid item data"
Not sure what it means.
Yet first sell script doesnt work, yet no errors. Any ideas why? Thank you.
Not sure what it means.
Yet first sell script doesnt work, yet no errors. Any ideas why? Thank you.
on right click on player:
if name of clicked player is "&a&lTrader":#12
set {_lore::*} to lore of player's tool split by "||"
if "%{_lore::*}%" contains "Sell Price:":
loop {_lore::*}:
set {_price::*} to uncolored loop-value parsed as "Sell Price: %number% Gold"
play "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" to player at volume 1
remove 1 of item from player's inventory
add {_price::1} to player's balance
send "&6You sold your item for: &e%{_price::1}% %{_price::*}% %{_lore::*}% Gold" to player
send "&6You now have: &e%player's balance% Gold" to player
exit loop
send "&cYou cant sell this item" to player
command /sellall:
loop all items in player's inventory:
set {_lore::*} to lore of loop-item split by "||"
loop {_lore::*}:
set {_test::*} to uncolored loop-value parsed as "Sell Price: %number% %text%"
play "BLOCK_NOTE_XYLOPHONE" to player at volume 1
remove 1 of loop-item from player's inventory
add {_test::1} to player's balance
send "&6You sold your item for: &e%{_test::1}% Gold" to player
send "&6You now have: &e%player's balance% Gold" to player
exit loop