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  1. S

    Enchantment Fix

    Hi my name is Shadow and I am currently experiencing an issue with the max minecraft enchantment level for sharpness and protection. The problem is that sharpness 25 will do the same damage as any sharpness above it and I want a skript to fix that and the same thing is for protection 25 and...
  2. YW_Beta

    Solved Detect damage AGAIN in a while loop

    I'm trying to detect if a victim is damaged AGAIN in this while loop after damage, but the loop is exited instantly instead of waiting for a second attack to happen like I want it to. Code: On damage: if type of victim is a slime: while block below victim is not grass block or oak...
  3. C

    Solved How can I prevent a loop from doing damage to the player with Skript

    I am programming a plugin in Skript using SkRayFall (though I'm unsure that that's useful for this scenario, I should put it there anyway) and I have a program that's supposed to damage all entities in a 1 block radius while pushing the play forward. This works fine, although it damages the...
  4. A

    Sword that damages all enities but not player

    hello, I would like a sword that damages all entities in a certain radius but if I use damage all entities, it damages the player too. any fixes? Code will be below. on right click: if player's tool is iron sword named "&6Scylla": if {-p::%uuid of player%::hype} is true...
  5. WhoCutTheCheese

    Solved Get killer from crystal

    I'm trying to get the killer from crystal pvp on death of player: victim is player attacker is end crystal add 1 to {kills::%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of attacker parsed as player%} broadcast "&c%victim% &fwas BLOWN up by &c%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of...
  6. E

    Why is this not working?

    Why it's not working? I have the Addons: Skript.jar MorkazSk.jar SharpSK.jar SkQuery-4.1.6.jar skRayFall+v1.9.27.jar skUtilities.v0.9.2.jar Pls help me I tried to make a List, that sorts the player The Guy who did the most damage will win the event. here is screenshot with error and code
  7. S

    When you click on the item frame, how do you give the item in the item frame?

    When you click on the item frame, how do you give the item in the item frame? on damage of item frame: attacker is a player give 1 of "What should I put in here?" to attacker cancel event
  8. S

    Solved When you click on the item frame, how do you give the item in the item frame?

    When you click on the item frame, how do you give the item in the item frame? on damage of item frame: attacker is a player give 1 of "What should I put in here?" to attacker cancel event
  9. S

    Solved When you click on the item frame, how do you give the item in the item frame?

    When you click on the item frame, how do you give the item in the item frame? on damage of item frame: attacker is a player give 1 of "What should I put in here?" to attacker cancel event
  10. KingDooms

    Doesn't damage players

    So im trying to make a sword that has multiple abilities, but one of the abilities damages everything except players but i want it to damage everything. Help? if {ShaggyWeapon::%player%} is 3: push the player up at speed 1.1 wait 16 ticks set...
  11. GioCole

    Solved CrackShot Damage

    Is there a method to see how much damage a crackshot weapon does? With skript I've been looking on the internet for a few days but I can't find anything. The goal is to inflict damage to users in a list that the weapon does even if they are blocking.
  12. nicolas toledo

    "on item damage" how to cancel item damage?

    Hi guys, I'm doing a MMORPG server and since I can't find plugins to change the durability of the items, it seemed like a good idea to make certain items have "chance%" to cancel the damage event of the event-item so that the items last longer Here is an example of what I want to do. on item...
  13. Shadow Klassic

    Wynncraft NO AIM feature

    i want to make it so when a mob reaches a player's reach range, and the player doesnt hit directly on the mob's hitbox like usual, i want to make so that the mob gets hit anyway. Idk how to get the tool's damage or change the "hitbox" of the mob. Someone said i could do this with vectors...
  14. nicolas toledo

    Solved increase the damage by % doesn't work

    Hello I have a problem. I want specific item to damage 50% more based on final damage. Therefore, a weapon that damages 100 should damage 150, but only damages 10 more hearts (110). also with any damage done (if the damage is 15 it also adds 10 damage). The weird thing is that "reduce damage...
  15. nicolas toledo

    increase or decrease damage by percentages

    Hello, I am having a problem! I want a player to have a specific item to damage 50% more based on the final damage caused. Therefore a weapon that damages 100 should damage 150, but only damages 10 more hearts (110). Weapon damage is controlled by the Heroes plugin, but I don't think it affects...
  16. Very Cool Bee

    Setting damage

    Hello, it's a me. Very Cool Bee. I want to change the damage of an iron sword. By default it's damage is 3 hearts and I want it to be a random number between 2.5 and 3.5 and well I don't really know how to do that. But maybe you know! :wrong:
  17. J

    Add Damage To A Block Help

    I don't have any skripts to show, but how can i add damage to a block using set block to large fern I want to use damage like the minecraft command: /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:tallgrass {Damage:1}
  18. C

    Make NPC damage player

    Hello, can someone help me, how to make the npc to damage a player? I testet this already: (make|force) [the] (npc|citizen) %citizen% [to] (target|attack|damage|follow) %entity% [[with] [aggressive [state]] %-boolean%] I testet for example this: command /test: trigger: make npc...
  19. I

    'on damage' doesn't work in commands

    I have this here: command /avadakedavra: aliases: /ak trigger: if player is holding a stick: message "Avada Kedavra!" make player shoot snowball on damage: projectile exists projectile is a snowball...
  20. kamilleon

    Solved Decrease Damage by a percent

    I'm trying to make a "defensive" skill, and I didn't find anything about decreasing the damage taken, only increasing. Is it possible to decrease it? jk got it working set {_védekezéss} to {védelemkp.%victim%}*2.5/100 set {_finalsebzés} to 1-{_védekezéss}...