Sword that damages all enities but not player

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Oct 4, 2022
hello, I would like a sword that damages all entities in a certain radius but if I use damage all entities, it damages the player too. any fixes? Code will be below.

on right click:
if player's tool is iron sword named "&6Scylla":
if {-p::%uuid of player%::hype} is true:
send "&cAbility On Cooldown!"
cancel event
if {-p::%uuid of player%::hype} isn't set:
set {-p::%uuid of player%::hype} to false
if {-p::%uuid of player%::hype} is false:
set {-p::%uuid of player%::hype} to true
create fake explosion at player's head
create fake explosion at player's location
heal player by 30
damage all entities in radius 5 of player by 30
heal player by 30
if player does not have potion effect absorption:
apply potion of absorption of tier 3 to player for 25 seconds
if player does not have potion effect regeneration:
apply potion of regeneration of tier 2 to player for 10 seconds
wait 2 seconds
set {-p::%uuid of player%::hype} to false

[doublepost=1667384737,1667382742][/doublepost]Skript ver: 2.6.3
skRayFall ver: 1.9.26
Paper ver: git-Paper-411 (MC: 1.17.1) (Implementing API version 1.17.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 6625db3 on ver/1.17.1)
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