Solved Get killer from crystal

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Apr 22, 2020
I'm trying to get the killer from crystal pvp
on death of player:
    victim is player
    attacker is end crystal
    add 1 to {kills::%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of attacker parsed as player%}
    broadcast "&c%victim% &fwas BLOWN up by &c%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of attacker parsed as player%"

#And this is what sets the nbt data
on damage:
    if victim is end crystal:
        set metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of victim to damager

#This is the error
Can't compare entity with heal reason

I know why you can't do
attacker is end crystal
but I don't know how to do it now
Since end crystal is a heal reason, you can't use it as attacker BUT you CAN use attacker and end crystal as text
Example: (should work hopefully)

on death of player:
    victim is player
    "%attacker%" contains "ender crystal"
    add 1 to {kills::%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of attacker parsed as player%}
    broadcast "&c%victim% &fwas BLOWN up by &c%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of attacker parsed as player%"
#And this is what sets the nbt data
on damage:
    if "%victim%" contains "ender crystal":
        set metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of victim to damager
Since end crystal is a heal reason, you can't use it as attacker BUT you CAN use attacker and end crystal as text
Example: (should work hopefully)

on death of player:
    victim is player
    "%attacker%" contains "ender crystal"
    add 1 to {kills::%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of attacker parsed as player%}
    broadcast "&c%victim% &fwas BLOWN up by &c%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of attacker parsed as player%"
#And this is what sets the nbt data
on damage:
    if "%victim%" contains "ender crystal":
        set metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of victim to damager

Thank you! This works, I didn't think of this.
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