[1.11 - 1.14.4] ★ ChatCore ★ [► ALL IN ONE CHAT MANAGEMENT PLUGIN ◄]

Script [1.11 - 1.14.4] ★ ChatCore ★ [► ALL IN ONE CHAT MANAGEMENT PLUGIN ◄] 3.2.0

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Fix | Fixed /clearmychat, no longer spams "Your chat has been cleared"
Fix | Fixed Chat Formatter to now represent the Essentials / Basic Chat Format.
New | Added a ClearLag module ( Early Development, may contain bugs )
Misc | Changed Anti Advertisment and Anti Swear Module into "Blocked Words" Module that can be edited to your liking.
Addon | Made it easier to find the help menu
Fix | More smaller bugs.
New | Added /clearmychat which only clears your chat.

command /clearmychat:
    permission: chatcore.clearmychat
        loop 150 times:
            message ""
            message "&aYour Chat has been cleared"

Fix | Reduced the amount of lines /clearchat cleared from 300 to 150. ( To Reduce Lag )

Before ( Version 2.0.4 ) :
command /clearchat:
  permission: chatcore.clearchat
    broadcast "&7"
    loop 300 times:
      broadcast ""
      broadcast ""
    broadcast "&4Chat has been cleared by an administrator"

After ( Version 2.0.5 ):
command /clearchat:
  permission: chatcore.clearchat
    broadcast "&7"
    loop 150 times:
      broadcast ""
      broadcast ""
    broadcast "&4Chat has been cleared by an administrator"

Added Experimental Commands ( Idea from SimpleChat Skript )
Check them out here -> https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/simplechat-chat-formatter-antiswear-and-more-skript-1-7-1-12.9998/

# Experimental Commands + Disabled commands will go below here ( Idea from SimpleChat Skript ) #

command /clearmychat:
    permission: chatcore.clearmychat
        loop 150 times:
            message ""
            message "&aYour Chat has been cleared"

every 10 minutes:
    broadcast "{@Warning} &c1 &7Minute!"
    wait 57 seconds
    broadcast "{@Warning} &c3 &7Seconds!"
    wait 1 seconds
    broadcast "{@Warning} &c2 &7Seconds!"
    wait 1 seconds
    broadcast "{@Warning} &c1 &7Seconds!"
    wait 1 seconds
    make server execute command "/lagg clear"

command /lagg [<text>] [<integer>]:
        if player has permission "chatcore.clearentities":
            if arg 1 is "clear":
                clear {_count}
                loop all arrows:
                    clear loop-entity
                    add 1 to {_count}
                loop entities:
                    loop-entity is a dropped item
                    clear loop-entity
                    add 1 to {_count}
                if {_count} is not set:
                    set {_count} to 0
                broadcast "&c%{_count}% &7entities have been removed from the server!"

# Find that here https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/simplechat-chat-formatter-antiswear-and-more-skript-1-7-1-12.9998/ #