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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. JesterThr0ugh

    Solved True invis

    Hello! How do I make a function that lets me go into 'true invis' meaing it shows nothing, not ur tools, not particles, not armour, im very new and i cant figure out functions as i cant find any thing about it online! Please help me. on rightclick: if player's tool is unbreakable diamond...
  2. T

    New MMORPG Project Server

    Hello, I come to introduce you to my new project that I have been working on for almost 2 months by myself. it is a new MMORPG different server as it is pve and pvp at the same time (including safe zones like cities...), I mean you can explore and farm the entire world fighting with all the...
  3. S

    ScoreBoard No work, help.

    What the problem?: The scoreboard no show up. Script: on join: if {deaths::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {deaths::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {kills::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {kills::%player's uuid%} to 0 while player is online: set title of...
  4. C

    Is this possible? (I need help) / Player looking at player causes an effect?

    Hiya, I was just wondering if there was some sort of way that I could detect when someone is looking at a player, and if they are looking at a player, then affect that player? I'm basically trying to make it so that a user can't move when being looked at (like slowness 255 or something), but...
  5. C

    How do I make a player not be able to move when being looked at?

    Hiya, I was just wondering if there was some sort of way that I could detect when someone is looking at a player, and if they are looking at a player, then affect that player? I'm basically trying to make it so that a user can't move when being looked at, but can move just fine when nobody is...
  6. B

    Script LAST LIFE skript! 1.2.1

    Welcome! This skript is a last life skript, like the new series by Grian, and other content creators. It's tested, so it should work, if you see any errors, just msg me. SkQuery is required Concept: When a player joins the system choses the lives of the a player (a number between 3 and 6, but...
  7. T

    [HELP] Edit furnace recipe/...

    I need to edit old furnace recipe with result glowstone dust named "&Sulfur" using gold ore. But method create new furnace recipe with result glowstone dust named "&fSulfur" using gold ore dont work. Results of gold ore is old - gold ingot(((
  8. X

    Solved I want to make rank voucher with skript

  9. S

    Solved CPS command

    Hello! I urgently need a command skript for a pvp server. The command should be /cps <player> and it should tell me the clicks per second of the player listed. Thanks!
  10. agentORW


    Can someone explain Lists to me? Beacuse i dont really know how to use them set them etc. So if someone could explain how to set lists, indexes, and just any info you know about lists? Thank you :)
  11. EthernalDragon

    Solved Function error

    FUNCTION PROBLEM SKRIPT 2.2-Fixes-V8b DESCRIPTION I created my AdvancedJSON (completed recoded of but i have 2 errors in console: PROBLEMS [ERROR] A return statement after a delay is useless, as the calling trigger will resume when the delay starts (and won't get any returned value)...
  12. Liz3

    Feedback regarding SkriptIDE

    Hello Guys! First of all i would be really thankful if you could read this Post completely! I really need your feedback of you all. I am the Developer of the SkriptIDE. The only completely dedicated ide for Skript i know, sadly i quit the project about 2 Years ago. Now i am here to say that...
  13. L

    Resquest gui with warps help

    Category: gui Suggested name: Lugares What I want: Hi!, i find create a warp gui but that is auto fill with warps createds (no essentials plugin with the skript) example: /setlugares test1 send message of the warp created and when put /lugares create a gui with the created warp Ideas for...
  14. F

    Script [1.11 - 1.14.4] ★ ChatCore ★ [► ALL IN ONE CHAT MANAGEMENT PLUGIN ◄] 3.2.0

    An alternative to Chat Control in Skript with more features coming RE-BRANDED BACK TO FROSTCHAT! FrostChat formerly known as ChatCore is a fully more stable upgraded and better maintained fork of ChatCore. Soon as ChatCore was my first Skript I did not have much experience with coding /...
  15. Spartan9802

    Solved Register new type

    Good evening, I am trying to save a new type (CraftingInventory) but I do not understand how to do: / I looked at several code but none is intuitive for me ....
  16. Spartan9802

    Solved Ingredients recipe with custom name

    Hello i have the problem I have register the new recipe with 2 nether_star named "myname" But using a simple nether_star is enough for my craft