Category: gui
Suggested name: Lugares
What I want:
Hi!, i find create a warp gui but that is auto fill with warps createds (no essentials plugin with the skript) example:
/setlugares test1
send message of the warp created and when put /lugares create a gui with the created warp
Ideas for commands:
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by:
i tried the following code:
command /lugares:
open chest with 6 rows named "&bLugares&7:" to player
set {s} to 0
loop {luga::*}:
add 1 to {l}
loop {l} times:
format slot {s} of player with {item::%{s}%} named "%{name::%{s}%}%" with lore "%{lore::%{s}%}%" to run "llevar %player% %{lugar::%{s}%}%"
add 1 to {s}
delete {l}
but the slot 0 of player can't set and the names ands lores display not colored
Thanks for help!
Suggested name: Lugares
What I want:
Hi!, i find create a warp gui but that is auto fill with warps createds (no essentials plugin with the skript) example:
/setlugares test1
send message of the warp created and when put /lugares create a gui with the created warp
Ideas for commands:
Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by:
i tried the following code:
command /lugares:
open chest with 6 rows named "&bLugares&7:" to player
set {s} to 0
loop {luga::*}:
add 1 to {l}
loop {l} times:
format slot {s} of player with {item::%{s}%} named "%{name::%{s}%}%" with lore "%{lore::%{s}%}%" to run "llevar %player% %{lugar::%{s}%}%"
add 1 to {s}
delete {l}
but the slot 0 of player can't set and the names ands lores display not colored
Thanks for help!
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