Welcome to new skUnity.
This downtime was for more than just maintenance and a small update. I've been keeping a big secret from most of the community. I'm super proud to announce the release of new skUnity. For a long time, skUnity's web service has been slow, outdated, and lacking. This is changing today. Over the last 2 years, I've been building a brand new backend and focusing it. SkriptTools was the first to receive the update and now skUnity. It's taken over a year of on-and-off solo-development to create something I was proud of. Many members of the skUnity community have helped me take what was good from skUnity and improve it. I am so happy with the final result and cannot wait for more that is created for skUnity.
The current skUnity was built nearly 6 years ago. Wrong had started the development of a new set of skUnity Docs, he lacked the time to spend on skUnity and I took over. skUnity Docs were built and launched, they worked perfectly. However, we ran into...