skUnity Forums

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

    If you haven't done so already, feel free to join our official Discord server to expand your level of interaction with the comminuty!

    Now, what are you waiting for? Join the community now!

News State of skUnity: 2024 - Response Overview

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Hi everyone,
We recently ran the State of skUnity: 2024 Survey and had over 40 responses which was double the count of last year's State of skUnity. It's been great seeing the feedback. This post is an overview of the responses. I won't be sharing specifics regarding the responses from the survey.

Donating to skUnity
Pretty much all responses said how they donated to help support skUnity. Those who haven't donated said they would, but they lack the funds. A small percentage said there aren't enough incentives to donate. Overall, the response was that people are happy with what skUnity provides as gifts for donating. Suggestions included exclusive help channels and events. We want to give as much value to your donation as possible, but we have to do this without adding a cost to skUnity. We'll continue to look into what we can offer supporters of skUnity.

skUnity Discord - Activity
A majority of respondents use the skUnity Discord for over an hour a day. The main...

News skUnity Chrome Extension

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With the release of new skUnity, the skUnity Chrome Extension got broken. I've recently updated it to work again! You can search the skUnity Docs from anywhere and even use Chrome's new Side Panel feature to be on the skUnity Parser and also have the skUnity Docs open. The skUnity Chrome Extension will also add buttons to resources posted on SpigotMC that can be viewed on the skUnity Parser. There are plans to add more sources to view content from on the skUnity Parser, which the skUnity Chrome Extension will likely play a role in. You can check out the extension here:

News Welcome to new skUnity

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Welcome to new skUnity.

This downtime was for more than just maintenance and a small update. I've been keeping a big secret from most of the community. I'm super proud to announce the release of new skUnity. For a long time, skUnity's web service has been slow, outdated, and lacking. This is changing today. Over the last 2 years, I've been building a brand new backend and focusing it. SkriptTools was the first to receive the update and now skUnity. It's taken over a year of on-and-off solo-development to create something I was proud of. Many members of the skUnity community have helped me take what was good from skUnity and improve it. I am so happy with the final result and cannot wait for more that is created for skUnity.

The current skUnity was built nearly 6 years ago. Wrong had started the development of a new set of skUnity Docs, he lacked the time to spend on skUnity and I took over. skUnity Docs were built and launched, they worked perfectly. However, we ran into...

News Launch of skUnity Developer Programme

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Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce the launch of the skUnity Developer Programme! Designed to help promote developers and their content across skUnity, provide support and additional tools to developers.

For more information on the programme, take a look here:

Many thanks,

News skUnity Docs Updates

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Updates to the skUnity Docs
Hi everyone,

I've been adding some cool new features to the skUnity Docs! Here's a rundown of what's new and how to use it:

skUnity Docs Progressive Web Application

A Progressive Web Application (PWA), is a fancy way of having an app like program but using only JavaScript, HTML and CSS. The browser makes it look like a normal program.

The skUnity Docs are now a PWA. You might have noticed it already! It varies a lot by the browser on how it's presented and what's supported. On Chrome for Windows, a plus in a circle will appear on the right side of the URL bar. This will then prompt you to install the skUnity PWA. On Android and iOS, you need to use the Add to home screen button dependant on your browser. This will add the skUnity icon to your home screen and with Windows, you can use search to find the skUnity PWA.

The docs should work when you go...

Parser Addon Suggestions

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Hi everyone,

Since the release of the skUnity Parser over a year ago, we haven't ever changed what addons are supported by the Parser. I am now looking at reviewing all supported addons by the Parser. This will include adding in any new addons or addons missed from the launch but also removing any that really aren't needed. I will also be refreshing addon syntaxes

Here are the currently supported addons by the skUnity Parser:
- MundoSK
- SharpSK
- skDragon
- Skellett
- SkQuery
- Skungee
- skUtilities
- SkWaze
- TuSKe
- Vixio
- WolvSK

Please reply below with what addon you would like including and link to the Resource page. Not all addons will be added, but I will review every single suggestion.


News New Parser Experiment - Collaborative Editing + WIP User Profiles

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Hi everyone,

There is a new Parser Experiment now live! Collaborative Editing allows you to edit your skUnity Parser Pastes in realtime with others. This is a very expansive Experiment and does enable you to easily collaborate with others.

I've begun adding User Profiles. Currently, the only way to access them is by clicking a user under the "Connected Users" section of the sidebar when editing with someone. They're still a work in progress but will be fleshed out in the coming weeks.

How to enable it
Go to the skUnity Parser, make sure that you're logged in and then click the Settings cog on the sidebar. Click the Parser Experiments button and you'll see the new Collaborative Editing button. Click that! Once you click Enable Experiment the page will refresh and Collaborative Editing will be enabled.

I'm not seeing anything different...?
Collaborative Editing will only work on your Pastes. So you'll need to head to a Paste...

News skUnity API v2 Roadmap

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skUnity API v2 - the official roadmap
Hi everyone,

Last Friday, I posted on the skUnity Discord about the next development project for skUnity; skUnity API v2. I have decided I'll post this thread as an official way of showing what the intentions are, potential release dates and information regarding the DocsAPI.

Just to clarify the naming:
Currently there is the DocsAPI which is accessible via the Docs Admin panel: DocsAPI is its official name, however, the URL itself and others do refer to it as the skUnity API. To prevent confusion between the two, the new API will be called API v2 and branded as skUnity API (skUAPI/skAPI). The branding also refers to the panel to access API v2. This means that if any other versions of the skAPI are released, it will follow a version order, eg, API v3, API v4.

Intentions for API v2:
A set of new endpoints which include...

Official Change to the Premium Resource requirements

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Hi everyone,

Community feedback was that people wanted to have the minimum requirements for posting Premium Resources changed. Specifically, the number of free Resources required before you can post a Premium Resource.

This feedback has been listened to and now implemented as a rule. For transparency, it was first suggested by @BrettPlayMC in this thread. It was based to a staff vote which included Administrators/Developers (4), Moderators (5) and Resource Staff (4). In a 6 vs 0 vote, it was then passed onto the rest of the community for feedback and a vote. This came out as a 28 vs 4 vote.


News [Parser] Shared with me

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Hi everyone,

We've rolled out a small update to the Parser which lets you easily view which Pastes have been shared with you! Click the Settings cog to unveil a new button, "Shared with me". Clicking this will let you view a list of usernames of who have shared a Paste with you. Clicking any of those will take you to a list of Pastes which you can view or edit.


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  • Addon Skerm (Simple Permission Addon)
    Vanilla Permission Addon (No Required Permission Plugins)
    • gherm
    • Updated:
  • [SKRIPT] Item Life
    Script [SKRIPT] Item Life
    skript inspiration of hypixel pit item life
    • eult
    • Updated:
  • Skonic
    Addon Skonic
    Skonic is a Misc Skript addon that adds many features such as Citizens to Skript.
    • NagasonicDev
    • Updated:
  • Skript-Translate
    Addon Skript-Translate
    Skript-Translate is a easy to use Skript Addon that allows easy translations of many languages.
    • NagasonicDev
    • Updated:
  • Skript
    Skript Skript
    Create unique and inspiring features for Minecraft servers.
    • SkriptLang
    • Updated: