Parser Addon Suggestions

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Hi everyone,

Since the release of the skUnity Parser over a year ago, we haven't ever changed what addons are supported by the Parser. I am now looking at reviewing all supported addons by the Parser. This will include adding in any new addons or addons missed from the launch but also removing any that really aren't needed. I will also be refreshing addon syntaxes

Here are the currently supported addons by the skUnity Parser:
- MundoSK
- SharpSK
- skDragon
- Skellett
- SkQuery
- Skungee
- skUtilities
- SkWaze
- TuSKe
- Vixio
- WolvSK

Please reply below with what addon you would like including and link to the Resource page. Not all addons will be added, but I will review every single suggestion.

Hi! I use Minehut and am limited to the addons that they give. MorkazSk helps make sound effects and I often have to ignore a bunch of the parser errors whenever i work with this feature. SkRayfall is a great plugin for bossbars and the other plugin that made bossbars is not available in minehut's list, and it also includes titles. SkRayfall is preferred over the other plugin minehut gave called UltraBar. I think the list of minehut's available skript addons will be useful to look at.
Also, not sure if this was on purpose or just my problem, but the parser isnt working. Parsed Results section will be (0) no matter what I type.
Hi! I use Minehut and am limited to the addons that they give. MorkazSk helps make sound effects and I often have to ignore a bunch of the parser errors whenever i work with this feature. SkRayfall is a great plugin for bossbars and the other plugin that made bossbars is not available in minehut's list, and it also includes titles. SkRayfall is preferred over the other plugin minehut gave called UltraBar. I think the list of minehut's available skript addons will be useful to look at.
Also, not sure if this was on purpose or just my problem, but the parser isnt working. Parsed Results section will be (0) no matter what I type.
skRayFall and MorkazSk are addons are I could look into adding. The Parser should now be working.
Could you try adding support for Sk-NBeeT? I work with that addon a lot and I have to often ignore the parse results hoping that my code is valid. Support for Sk-NBeeT would be amazing and super useful.
I use skRayFall's scoreboards a lot. Can you add that into the Parser? Thanks a lot!
I think MorkazSk was something that they already looked into adding, but didn't. They may have forgot, but I don't know. :shrug:
I think MorkazSk was something that they already looked into adding, but didn't. They may have forgot, but I don't know. :shrug:
morkazSk is abandoned now I guess, they have syntax that alter base skript behavior and make things inconsistent, but ignoring it :/