I got it working but with different sections.
I do not know if I can use this:
At least is not working for me.
#Consultamos la DATA del jugador
set {_result} to mysql result of query "SELECT * From stats.relacionJugadores WHERE Nombre = '%player%'"
set {DATA-%player%::*} to mysql string "Victorias" in {_result}
set {DATA-%player%::*} to mysql string "Derrotas" in {_result}
set {DATA-%player%::*} to mysql string "Dinero" in {_result}
set {DATA-%player%::*} to mysql string "Chips" in {_result}
set {DATA-%player%::*} to mysql string "MejoresCartas" in {_result}
set {DATA-%player%::*} to mysql string "ApMaxGanDinero" in {_result}
set {DATA-%player%::*} to mysql string "ApMaxGanTokens" in {_result}
set {DATA-%player%::*} to mysql string "ApMaxGanChips" in {_result}
set {tiempoTurno-%player%} to 0
set {mejoresCartas-%player%} to "ninguna"
set {ApMaxGanDinero-%player%} to 0
set {ApMaxGanTokens-%player%} to 0
set {ApMaxGanChips-%player%} to 0
set {victorias-%player%} to "%{DATA-%player%::1}%"
set {derrotas-%player%} to "%{DATA-%player%::2}%"
set {dinero-%player%} to "%{DATA-%player%::3}%"
set {chips-%player%} to "%{DATA-%player%::4}%"
set {mejoresCartas-%player%} to "%{DATA-%player%::5}%"
set {ApMaxGanDinero-%player%} to "%{DATA-%player%::6}%"
set {ApMaxGanTokens-%player%} to "%{DATA-%player%::7}%"
set {ApMaxGanChips-%player%} to "%{DATA-%player%::8}%"
message "%{victorias-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{derrotas-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{dinero-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{chips-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{mejoresCartas-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{ApMaxGanDinero-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{ApMaxGanTokens-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{ApMaxGanChips-%player%}%" to the console
message "=========" to the console
message "%{DATA-%player%::1}%" to the console
message "%{DATA-%player%::2}%" to the console
message "%{DATA-%player%::3}%" to the console
message "%{DATA-%player%::4}%" to the console
message "%{DATA-%player%::5}%" to the console
message "%{DATA-%player%::6}%" to the console
message "%{DATA-%player%::7}%" to the console
message "%{DATA-%player%::8}%" to the console
If I use:
#Consultamos la DATA del jugador
set {_result} to mysql result of query "SELECT * From stats.relacionJugadores WHERE Nombre = '%player%'"
set {avictorias-%player%::*} to mysql string "Victorias" in {_result}
set {aderrotas-%player%::*} to mysql string "Derrotas" in {_result}
set {adinero-%player%::*} to mysql string "Dinero" in {_result}
set {achips-%player%::*} to mysql string "Chips" in {_result}
set {amejoresCartas-%player%::*} to mysql string "MejoresCartas" in {_result}
set {aApMaxGanDinero-%player%::*} to mysql string "ApMaxGanDinero" in {_result}
set {aApMaxGanTokens-%player%::*} to mysql string "ApMaxGanTokens" in {_result}
set {aApMaxGanChips-%player%::*} to mysql string "ApMaxGanChips" in {_result}
set {victorias-%player%} to "%{avictorias-%player%::1}%"
set {derrotas-%player%} to "%{aderrotas-%player%::1}%"
set {dinero-%player%} to "%{adinero-%player%::1}%"
set {chips-%player%} to "%{achips-%player%::1}%"
set {mejoresCartas-%player%} to "%{amejoresCartas-%player%::1}%"
set {ApMaxGanDinero-%player%} to "%{aApMaxGanDinero-%player%::1}%"
set {ApMaxGanTokens-%player%} to "%{aApMaxGanTokens-%player%::1}%"
set {ApMaxGanChips-%player%} to "%{aApMaxGanChips-%player%::1}%"
message "%{victorias-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{derrotas-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{dinero-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{chips-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{mejoresCartas-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{ApMaxGanDinero-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{ApMaxGanTokens-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{ApMaxGanChips-%player%}%" to the console
message "=========" to the console
message "%{avictorias-%player%::1}%" to the console
message "%{aderrotas-%player%::1}%" to the console
message "%{adinero-%player%::1}%" to the console
message "%{achips-%player%::1}%" to the console
message "%{amejoresCartas-%player%::1}%" to the console
message "%{aApMaxGanDinero-%player%::1}%" to the console
message "%{aApMaxGanTokens-%player%::1}%" to the console
message "%{aApMaxGanChips-%player%::1}%" to the console
This works nice, at least we can use now one query instead eight, but
do I must to use eight sections? Or can I use one section as the first example, I do not know if this is a bug or a worng coding from my side.
Thanks for fix this.
A more simple version, I can not go more, would be nice if I can use only one section and not eight variables.
#Consultamos la DATA del jugador
set {_result} to mysql result of query "SELECT * From stats.relacionJugadores WHERE Nombre = '%player%'"
set {DataTemp-%player%::*} to mysql string "Victorias" in {_result}
set {victorias-%player%} to "%{DataTemp-%player%::1}%"
set {DataTemp-%player%::*} to mysql string "Derrotas" in {_result}
set {derrotas-%player%} to "%{DataTemp-%player%::1}%"
set {DataTemp-%player%::*} to mysql string "Dinero" in {_result}
set {dinero-%player%} to "%{DataTemp-%player%::1}%"
set {DataTemp-%player%::*} to mysql string "Chips" in {_result}
set {chips-%player%} to "%{DataTemp-%player%::1}%"
set {DataTemp-%player%::*} to mysql string "MejoresCartas" in {_result}
set {mejoresCartas-%player%} to "%{DataTemp-%player%::1}%"
set {DataTemp-%player%::*} to mysql string "ApMaxGanDinero" in {_result}
set {ApMaxGanDinero-%player%} to "%{DataTemp-%player%::1}%"
set {DataTemp-%player%::*} to mysql string "ApMaxGanTokens" in {_result}
set {ApMaxGanTokens-%player%} to "%{DataTemp-%player%::1}%"
set {DataTemp-%player%::*} to mysql string "ApMaxGanChips" in {_result}
set {ApMaxGanChips-%player%} to "%{DataTemp-%player%::1}%"
message "=========" to the console
message "%{victorias-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{derrotas-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{dinero-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{chips-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{mejoresCartas-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{ApMaxGanDinero-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{ApMaxGanTokens-%player%}%" to the console
message "%{ApMaxGanChips-%player%}%" to the console
message "=========" to the console