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send resourcepack %url% to %player% with hash %string%
on resourcepack accept:
on resourcepack deny:
on resourcepack failed:
if %player% has the resourcepack:
Ther should be a
on resourcepack activated:
and a
on resourcepack deactivated:
To check if the resourcepack is activated or not.

I'd also like to suggest adding a random inventory filling feature, something like this:
set content [of] %inventory% to %item%[ , %item%, and %item%] [with %integer% chance [but [not] none]
Or something like this. Something that allows to fill a chest with items, but each item having a random chance (depending on the %chance%) of beeing in the chest. Which means, the chest could have one, two or three items in it, but never 0 (if specified).
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@Blade That's already possible with vanilla skript, add an effect for do something that can be done in four lines would be pointless.
Life is pointless and we still got one.
I did'nt know vanilla skript had this, i'm just throwing in every idea i have.
I don't use Jedis
[MattSK] chat receiving
[MattSK] %message%
[MattSK] set message to %text%

[MattSK] add group %text% (with[out]) [bungee]perm[ission] %permission%
[MattSK] remove group %text%
[MattSK] set group(s) of %player% to %text%(, %text% and %text%)
[MattSK] remove group %text% of %player%
[MattSK] get group(s) of %player% [as %variable%]
Okay, non of us use Jedis so there's mustn't be problems anyways xD
Item frame management:
on [item] frame (right|left) click: # was supposed to work with 'on damage', but it doesn't when it's empty. Also doesn't work with rightclicks. Cancel leftclick to prevent breaking.
display [item] in %item frame%
rotation of %item frame% # can be set to 1 up to 8 (only 1.8+)

I'm suggesting it because 'on damage' doesn't work for empty item frames, 'on break' doesn't doesn't work too.
Release what you've already got first! :emoji_persevere:
I really want to be able to use those features..
Yes, i totally agree with blade that you should release the features you have, then update it.
Release and update with features, cause no addon - no testing and bug reports, waste of time. Maybe you don't even know how to create addons and just drawing unworthy attention to yourself.
I'm not going to release it until I'm happy with the features
[doublepost=1486173905,1486173869][/doublepost]Releasing early broken development builds ruin my reputation as a developer.
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Had some more ideas:
placeholder[api] %placeholder%
register new placeholder[api] %placeholder%
delete placeholder[api] %placeholder%
[MattSK] placeholder[api] %placeholder%
[MattSK] register new placeholder[api] %placeholder%
[MattSK] delete placeholder[api] %placeholder%
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Could you add advanced schematics support?

Loop all blocks in schematic %string%:
#The blocks are analyzed before being paste
#Get location, type, etc

make player rotate load schématic to %number%
Get corner of schematic too?

[MattSK] (upper | lower) corner of schematic "schem/house" when paste at %location%

Then loop it.
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To have the possibility of loop the blocks would add some possibilities ^ ^
Get corner of schematic too?

(upper | lower) corner of schematic "schem/house" when paste at %location%

Then loop it.
Get corner of schematic too?

(upper | lower) corner of schematic "schem/house" when paste at %location%

Then loop it.
Could you add advanced schematics support?

Loop all blocks in schematic %string%:
#The blocks are analyzed before being paste
#Get location, type, etc

make player rotate load schématic to %number%
Please add [MattSK] then the pattern
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