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[MattSK] set minecraft name of %string% to %string%
[MattSK] reset minecraft name of %string%
More ideas c:
  • [MattSK] set minecraft name of %string% to %string%
  • [MattSK] reset minecraft name of %string%
What this is supposed to do? Also, an expression like:
 [MattSK] minecraft name of %string%
[MattSK] %string%'s minecraft name
With the set and reset changers is what you want.
What this is supposed to do? Also, an expression like:
 [MattSK] minecraft name of %string%
[MattSK] %string%'s minecraft name
With the set and reset changers is what you want.
I mean, change your nickname
I mean, change your nickname
like instead of be "PuchiGFX" be "Puchi" or something like that
[MattSK] minecraft name of %string%
[MattSK] %string%'s minecraft name
What difference between this and vanilla skript player's display name?
Other idea:
language of %player%

[MattSK] on language change
Name: Is in water/lava
on command "/hub":
    if player is in water:
        cancel the event
        send "&7You may not teleport while in water."
    else if player is in lava:
        cancel the event
        send "&7You may not teleport in lava."
Pattern: %player% is in (water | lava)
Dependencies: none, I believe
Name: Is in water/lava
on command "/hub":
    if player is in water:
        cancel the event
        send "&7You may not teleport while in water."
    else if player is in lava:
        cancel the event
        send "&7You may not teleport in lava."
Pattern: %player% is in (water | lava)
Dependencies: none, I believe
I think the is in water condition was recently added to Skellett if I remember correctly (if @LimeGlass could confirm)
Name: Is in water/lava
on command "/hub":
    if player is in water:
        cancel the event
        send "&7You may not teleport while in water."
    else if player is in lava:
        cancel the event
        send "&7You may not teleport in lava."
Pattern: %player% is in (water | lava)
Dependencies: none, I believe
Ya it's in Skellett
[entity] %entity% (1¦is|2¦is(n't| not)) in water
This may or may not work with lava. I didn't test that. (The name is water in minecraft server source)

It uses NMS because spigot surprisingly doesn't have this. It was really simple too. I might make a pull request to Spigot to add support for it as it was really simple. But knowing Spigot, there is probably a reason.
Hello, I would like to know if you could add Crackshot support to your addon, because skrayfall is a fail, and the author seems not to care about it.

Thank you.
how about this?
when will it released?
I want this addon :-:
when will it released?

I guess, never. My quote is posted exactly 3 month ago, isn't this enough to release at least public beta? He will never release it. End of story, close this thread.

P.S. Prove me wrong.

Release and update with features, cause no addon - no testing and bug reports, waste of time. Maybe you don't even know how to create addons and just drawing unworthy attention to yourself.
"he's the creator of skAction."

That was just a thread to let us know what he was doing and what we wanted in his addon.
At last he don't need release it when you want but just when he want to do it.
Everyone can get real problems or just not more time to continue a project , that's just a "hobby".
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