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  1. Name: Change User's Skin (Client Side and Server Side)
  2. Example: MattSK set WheezyGold's display skin to BaeFell's
  3. Pattern: [MattSK] set %player%['s] [display] skin to %player%['s]
  4. Dependencies: None...Please...lel
[doublepost=1485561350,1485561179][/doublepost]Holy, you liked it...that mean 103% confirmed? Or could it be 102% confirmed?
  1. Name: Change User's Skin (Client Side and Server Side)
  2. Example: MattSK set WheezyGold's display skin to BaeFell's
  3. Pattern: [MattSK] set %player%['s] [display] skin to %player%['s]
  4. Dependencies: None...Please...lel
[doublepost=1485561350,1485561179][/doublepost]Holy, you liked it...that mean 103% confirmed? Or could it be 102% confirmed?
Name: File Handler
on load:
    if file "plugins/nicknames.txt" does not exist:
        create file "plugins/nicknames.txt"
        wf "Alex" to beginning of file "plugins/nicknames.txt"
        wf "Steve" to "plugins/nicknames.txt"
        set {_i} to a random number between 1 and file length
        set {name} to line {_i} of "plugins/nicknames.txt"

command /nick:
        set display name of player to {name}

(cf|create file) %string%    # Creates a file with given name at given path (if given)
(rm|remove file) %string%   # Removes a file with given name at givenpath (if given)
(rf|read file) %string% [line %integer%]   # Reads a file with given name at given path (if given) at given line (if given)
(wf|write file) %string% to [begin[ning]] [of] [the] [file] %string%   # Writes a file with given name at given path (if given) at given position (defaults to the end)
(kf|clone file) %string% as %string%   # Creates a copy of a file at a given position (if given) with a given name

Dependencies: None, i guess?

The user should be able to get and set lines and file names (only get for this one).

Thanks for reading! :emoji_grinning:

Shouldn't these kinds of file things be added to an addon that is already created for file stuff? skUtilities is already made and @tim740 is always looking for suggestions.
[MattSK] calculate %text%['s] island level
[MattSK] %text%['s] home location
[MattSK] %text%['s] island level
[MattSK] spawn location
[MattSK] spawn range
[MattSK] %text%['s] team leader
[MattSK] %text% has island
[MattSK] %text% is at spawn
[MattSK] %text% is in team
[MattSK] %text%['s] team members
[MattSK] island warp owner [of] %location%
[MattSK] %text%'s island warp sign
[MattSK] set %text%'s island level to %number%
[MattSK] set unbreakable durability of %itemstack% to %number%
[MattSK] set %player%['s] display skin to %text%['s]
[MattSK] calculate %text%['s] island level
[MattSK] %text%['s] home location
[MattSK] %text%['s] island level
[MattSK] spawn location
[MattSK] spawn range
[MattSK] %text%['s] team leader
[MattSK] %text% has island
[MattSK] %text% is at spawn
[MattSK] %text% is in team
[MattSK] %text%['s] team members
[MattSK] island warp owner [of] %location%
[MattSK] %text%'s island warp sign
[MattSK] set %text%'s island level to %number%
Nice that you'll add skyblock stuff but it's of USkyblock or ASkyblock?
Also, I think the Redis stuff would work better in RediSK, if MFN decides to post here (i've PMed him about it).
  1. Name: Player Hover
  2. Example:
    set player hover message to "Example..."
  3. Pattern:
    [MattSk] set player hover message to %string%
  4. Dependencies: I don't think so.
what does this is supposed to do?

Make something like this:


I got that from serverlistplusbungee, it would be cool to be able to do it in non-bungee servers as well as bungee networks.
[MattSK] set server hover message to %text%
get status of (ip|ip:port|port)   # Gets the status of the server (online, offline, starting, stopping)
get playercount of (ip|ip:port|port)   # Returns the amount of players
get slotcount of (ip|ip:port|port)   # Returns the amount of slots
get %string%['s] server [as name]   # Returns either ip:port or the server name if specified
send message %string% to (ip|ip:port|port) [as (op|player|%string%)  # Sends a message to a specified server as %string%
(stop|start|restart) (ip|ip:port|port) [with[ reason]] [%string]   # Starts, stops or restarts a specified server with fiven (if given) reason
set map of (ip|ip:port|port) to %string%   # Sets the map of the server and forces all players to that map
get map of (ip|ip:port|port)   # Returns the map of the server as string

I think thats quite clear? It is primarily meant for bungee servers.
Hope you'll add it! :emoji_grinning:
Type Status

Type serveraction (stop|start|restart)

[MattSK] status of %text%
[MattSK] playercount of %text%
[MattSK] slotcount of %text%
[MattSK] send message %text% to %text% [as (op|player|text)]
[MattSK] %serveraction% %text% [with[ reason]] [%text%]
get status of (ip|ip:port|port)   # Gets the status of the server (online, offline, starting, stopping)
get playercount of (ip|ip:port|port)   # Returns the amount of players
get slotcount of (ip|ip:port|port)   # Returns the amount of slots
get %string%['s] server [as name]   # Returns either ip:port or the server name if specified
send message %string% to (ip|ip:port|port) [as (op|player|%string%)  # Sends a message to a specified server as %string%
(stop|start|restart) (ip|ip:port|port) [with[ reason]] [%string]   # Starts, stops or restarts a specified server with fiven (if given) reason
set map of (ip|ip:port|port) to %string%   # Sets the map of the server and forces all players to that map
get map of (ip|ip:port|port)   # Returns the map of the server as string

I think thats quite clear? It is primarily meant for bungee servers.
Hope you'll add it! :emoji_grinning:
[MattSK] execute console command %string% on server %string%

[MattSK] make player run command %string% on server %string%

That would be amazing.
[MattSK] execute console command %string% on server %string%

[MattSK] make player run command %string% on server %string%

That would be amazing.
What if they are not on that server?
What if they are not on that server?
I don't think that would work without moving the player to that server.

Anyone got ideas?
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